Category: Uncategorized

  • Saturday 2.11.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up Then, 5 AMRAP 2 burpee-squat-jump lunge :20 plank taps Metcon 12 AMRAP 1 hurdle laps 10 db step ups 10 db thrusters 10 db squat thrusts – 2 min rest- 12 AMRAP 2 rope climbs 200 m run 20 sit ups 20 med ball cleans

  • Friday 2.9.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Me Vs. You Partner up One goes, one counts 1 minute- jumping jacks 1 minute- sit ups 1 minute- broad jumps 1 minute- snake ups 1 minute- burpees Skill Hungry hippos! Lift Clean PVC pipe 1- feet under shoulders 2- hands outside legs- chest up 3- look at coach- paint legs going down to […]

  • Thursday 2.8.18 & Monday 2.12.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Me Vs. You 10 rounds- 5 rounds each 1 min row for calories :30 transition Skill Box jumps and jump for height Metcon 18.0 21-15-9 Dumbbell snatch Burpee over dumbbell

  • Thursday 2.8.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Me Vs. You Partner up One goes, one counts 1 minute- jumping jacks 1 minute- sit ups 1 minute- broad jumps 1 minute- snake ups 1 minute- burpees Skill Coach choice for game Lift Clean PVC pipe 1- feet under shoulders 2- hands outside legs- chest up 3- look at coach- paint legs going […]

  • Thursday 2.8.18 & Friday 2.9.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Conditioning 3min AMRAP 10 Single Unders 10 Sit Ups -1min Rest- 5min AMRAP 10 Wall Balls 10 Russian Swings 10 Burpees -1min Rest- 7min AMRAP 10 Single Arm KB Swings (5 ea.) 10 KB Oblique Crunches 10 Goblet Squats 100′ Single Arm KB Farmers Carry (heavy) -1min Rest- REPEAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE FROM BEGINNING

  • Wednesday 2.7.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 8min AMRAP 30sec Plank, any variation 10 Jumping Lunges 20 Mnt Climbers (L+R=2) 30 Jumping Jacks Hand go behind back on jumping jacks Conditioning 7min AMRAP 50′ KB Goblet Lunge 10 Push Ups 50′ Goblet Lunge 10 Kipping Knee Raises -2min Rest- 7min AMRAP 10 KB Sumo Deadlifts 10 Russian KB Swings 10 Cal […]

  • Tuesday 2.6.18 & Wednesday 2.7.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Review front squat, then with a pvc 6 AMRAP 5 burpees 10 front squat 5 squat thrusts 10 thrusters Lift Front squat 2×2 light weight 10×1- add weight each round Metcon 12 AMRAP 5 db cleans 10 front squat 5 squat thrust 10 thrusters

  • Tuesday 2.6.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 5 rounds 20 feet lunges 5 burpees 20 feet bear crawl 5 jumping jacks 20 feet broad jumps 5 tuck jumps Skill Hungry hippos! Metcon 10 AMRAP 10 box jump overs 10 lateral hops over an ab mat 10 strict press

  • Bring A Friend Week

    Do you need help setting Fitness goals or reaching goals you have set for yourself? We are here to help you improve your health, happiness and create the life you want! Bring a friend with you for a Free week of bootcamp and CrossFit classes including a goal setting session with an expert coach, lean […]

  • Saturday 2.3.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 400m Row Review Rope Climb Metcon Teams of 2 5k Run or 5k Row *Rotate every 200m After each 200m interval the Athlete finishing the run or row completes 1 rope climb. Athlete #2 can begin their 200m while Athlete #1 completes rope climb