Category: Uncategorized

  • Friday 2.2.18 XFit Juniors

    Skill Rope Climbs! 1- hold weight on rig for 15 seconds 2- hold weight on rope for 15 seconds 3- foot lock- J hook 4- hold weight in j hook 5- get up the rope! Metcon 10 AMRAP 50 ft farmers carry- 15 lb kb or 10 lb plates 10 lunges 50 ft waiters carry- […]

  • Keep up the Correct Pace

    Knowing how to pace is paramount to CrossFit. In a diverse setting like CrossFit, there are Athletes of all different training ages and experience levels. For some, knowing how hard to push themselves is easy. Others may push themselves too hard, too fast, resulting in a drastic loss of power output by the end of […]

  • Thursday 2.1.18 & Monday 2.5.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Coach choice Skill Introduce T2B and Knee raises Lift Deadlift- review 5×5 add weight each round start at 50% of 1 RM Metcon 12 AMRAP 5 db front squat 10 deadlifts 15 toes to bar

  • Thursday 2.1.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Musical med balls! Conditioning They see me Rowing… Partner up 10 rds per group 100 meter row at a time *** every meter over partner has to do that many jumping jacks Metcon 10 AMRAP 50 ft farmers carry- 15 lb kb or 10 lb plates 10 lunges 50 ft waiters carry- 10 lb […]

  • Thursday 2.1.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up Triple up- TABATA style- 2 min at each movement Bike Row Burpee Metcon 7 Rounds 8 Cal Bike 10 Back Squats, from rack 10 Deadlifts -Rest 1 min- 7 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 DB Push Press 10 DB Bent Over Row

  • February 2018 Programming Breakdown

  • February 2018 Programming

    Click here to view the month of February Programming Password Required CFML Athlete and would like access? Send us an email

  • Thursday 2.1.18 & Friday 2.2.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 1a) Banded Face pull-aparts: 3 x 15 1b) Banded Kneeling Rotations: 3 x 10 ea. 1c) Barbell Curls: 3 x 8 (25,15) L2: (25,15) Rx: (35,25) Rx+: (45,35) Metcon 5 Rounds 10 KB SDHP 10 Squat Thrusts 200 Meter Row -1min Rest after each round- L2: (35,15), Burpees Rx: (45,25), Burpees Rx+: (55,35), Burpees

  • Wednesday 1.31.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Metcon 30min EMOM Min 1 – Row 150M Min 2 – 15 Hollow Rocks Min 3 – 15 Jumping Pull Ups (or Ring Rows) Min 4 – 15 MB Cleans Min 5 – 20 KB Swings Min 6 – 30sec Plank ••pick weights that allow for 15 rest each min Athletes should work for 45s […]

  • Tuesday 1.30.18 & Wednesday 1.31.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Coach choice Skill Handstands -pike push ups -high hip box push ups -handstand holds -handstand push ups -handstand funnel walk Metcon 9 AMRAP- light 5 cleans 10 deadlifts 15 swings Rest 1 minute 9 AMRAP- heavy 5 cleans 10 deadlifts 15 swings