Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 1.22.18 Rail Yard Fitness Bootcamp

    Warm-up Bear Crawl 50′ + shoulder taps 50 Shoulder Taps with feet on Box -Then- 6min Tabata Hollow Hold Kipping Knee Raises Rx+ = K2E Metcon 20min AMRAP 100m Sledpush 100m Front Rack KB Carry (25,15) 10 Box Overs (20,20) 10 Cal Assault Bike L2 & L1: (25,15)(step up & over) Rx+: (45,25)(24,24)

  • Saturday 1.20.18 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 6min AMRAP 5 Burpees 10 Wallballs 12 Hollow Rocks 15 Double Unders Metcon Teams of 2 100-80-60-40-20 Single Unders 50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-ups Wallballs (10,8) Squat Thrusts L2: (14,12), Squat Thrusts Rx: Dubs, (20,14), Burpees Rx+: Dubs, (20,14), Burpees **30min time cap

  • Thursday 1.18.18 & Monday 1.22.18 XFit Teens

    Warm-up Coaches choice Metcon Prep Back squat 2×2 moderate 10×1 build heavy Metcon Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull ups

  • Thursday 1.18.18 & Friday 1.19.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Warm-up Upper Body Strength Circuit 3 Rounds 8 DB Floor Press 8 DB 1-Arm Row Banded alphabet each side Metcon “Baseline #3” 6 Rounds of 30s work/30s rest: 1a) KB SDHP (25,15) 1b) Air Squats 1c) Push Ups 1d) Assault Bike L2: (35,25) Rx: (45,25) Rx+: (55,35) Finisher 3 Rounds 15 Banded Pull-aparts 10 DB […]

  • Wednesday 1.17.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Metcon For Time: 800 Meter Run 30 DB Step Ups (24,20)(25,15) 30 Hollow Rocks 30 Burpees -Rest 2:00- 600 Meter Run 20 DB Step Ups 20 Hollow Rocks 20 Burpees -Rest 2:00- 400 Meter Run 10 DB Step Ups 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Burpees Rx+ 7 Rx: Box Jumps *Alternate Options: – 400m Run = […]

  • Tuesday 1.16.18 & Wednesday 1.17.18 XFit Teens

    Warm-up Coaches Choice Metcon Prep 50-40-30-20-10 Singles/ dub practice 25-20-15-10-5 Sit ups Metcon 5 rds 3 AMRAP 3 power cleans 6 push ups 9 squats Rest 1 min between rounds

  • Monday 1.15.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Warm-up Lower Body Strength Circuit 3 Rounds 8 Single Leg KB Deadlifts 8 KB Split Lunges 30s Plank Metcon 6 Rounds 20s Assault Bike SPRINT 10 Squat Thrusts 10 Deadlifts (55,35) 10 Bent-over Barbell Row (55,35) Alternative Scaling: 200m Run, 250m Row Rx: (75,55) Rx+: (95,65) Finisher 2 Rounds Banded Alphabet *complete as a group

  • Saturday 1.13.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Warm-up 3 Rounds 8 Barbell Curls (15,15) 8 Box Dips 8 Cal Row Rx/Rx+: 35/15 Metcon Teams of 2 30min AMRAP Row 1k 20 DB Thrusters (15,10) 10 Pull Ups *Rotate row every 250m, split reps equally Rx: (25,15) Rx+: (35,25)

  • Friday 1.12.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Warm-up “Total Body Strength Ciruit” Every 60s for 10 rounds 6 KB Goblet Squats (35,25) 6 KB Single Arm Rows, ea (35,25) -2min Rest- Every 60s for 10 Rounds 8 DB Deadlifts (25,15) 8 DB Tricep Kickbacks (25,15) L2: (25,15)(15,10) L1: (25,15)(12.5,7.5) Rx+: (45,35)(35,25) Conditioning “Baseline #2” For time: 12-10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10-12 Alternating Step-ups (24,20)(L+R=1) Wallballs (12,10) […]

  • Thursday 1.11.18 Rail Yard Bootcamp

    Warm-up “Total Body Strength Ciruit” Every 60s for 10 rounds 6 KB Goblet Squats (35,25) 6 KB Single Arm Rows, ea (35,25) -2min Rest- Every 60s for 10 Rounds 8 DB Deadlifts (25,15) 8 DB Tricep Kickbacks (25,15) L2: (25,15)(15,10) L1: (25,15)(12.5,7.5) Rx+: (45,35)(35,25) Conditioning “Baseline #2” For time: 12-10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10-12 Alternating Step-ups (24,20)(L+R=1) Wallballs (12,10) […]