Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 11.22.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Warm-up 4 minutes to complete: 10 jumping jacks 10 squats 10 scales 10 frankensteins 10 broad jumps 10 lunges x2 Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 6 AMRAP 10 box jumps 10 side plank openings 10 burpee box overs […]

  • Tuesday 11.21.2017 CrossFit PreTeens

    Warm-up Coach Choice! Make It Fun! Work Out Partner Up! Split Work evenly 8 Rounds 26 front squats 26 burpees 26 push press 26 sit ups 26 thrusters 26 mountain climbers 26 pull ups

  • Monday 11.20.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Warm-up 1 min high knees :30 jog in place 1 min squats :30 jog in place 1 min jumping jacks :30 jog in place Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Tabata Style 2 min row :30 rest 2 min weighted Russian […]

  • Monday 11.20.2017 CrossFit Teens

    Warm-up Coach Choice! Make It Fun! Metcon Partner Up! Split Work evenly 8 Rounds 26 front squats 26 burpees 26 push press 26 sit ups 26 thrusters 26 mountain climbers 26 pull ups

  • Saturday 11.18.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Warm-up 200 m row-plank hold Accumulate 1600 meters Partner up! Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 24 AMRAP Partner up! 20 push press 200 m run 30 push up 200 m row 40 pull up 20 cal bike

  • Friday 11.17.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Warm-up 10 EMOM 100 m sprint 10 squat jumps 10 jump lunges Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 AMRAP 11  bent over rows 40 plate overs 17 push press 11 chest press 40 depth jumps 17 reverse fly

  • Thursday 11.16.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Warm-up 10 EMOM 100 m sprint 10 squat jumps 10 jump lunges Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 AMRAP 11  bent over rows 40 plate overs 17 push press 11 chest press 40 depth jumps 17 reverse fly

  • Thursday 11.16.2017 CrossFit pre-Teens

    Warm-up 10 Rounds 100 Meter Row :30 plank hold :30 overhead squat with pvc Lift Front Squat (3×2, then 10×1) Metcon Infinity Ladder 12 AMRAP KB deadlift KB squat KB swing 1, 2,3,4,….

  • Wednesday 11.15.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 0-1 slow 1-2 moderate 2-3 sprint 3-4 moderate 4-5 sprint 5-6 slow Metcon 7 AMRAP 250 m row 20 weighted lunges- kb 10 ring rows -1 min res- 7 AMRAP 20 jump rope 20 weighted skaters- kb 10 push ups -1 min rest- 10 cal bike 20 goblet squats 10 sit ups

  • Wednesday 11.15.2017 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up 10 Rounds 100 Meter Row :30 plank hold :30 overhead squat with pvc Lift Front Squat (3×2, then 10×1) Metcon Infinity Ladder 12 AMRAP KB deadlift KB squat KB swing 1, 2,3,4,….