Category: Uncategorized

  • Tuesday 11.14.2017 Crossfit Pre-Teens

    Warm-up Partner up: bike and wall sit Accumulate 50 cal on the bike Switch every 5 cals While one partner bikes, other holds wall sit Lift Overhead squat and Snatch A- oh squat 3 x 4 add gradual weight B- snatch 2×2 light weight 5x 1 add weight each round Metcon 10 amrap 10 overhead […]

  • Monday 11.13.17 Rail Yard Fitness

    Warm-up 10 inchworms 20 high knees 30 butt kicks 40 sec plank hold 50 jumping jacks Metcon 22 AMRAP 10 split squat 50 m farmer carry 10 high pulls 50 m waiter carry 50 kb swings 50 m plate pull

  • Monday 11.13.2017 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Partner up: bike and wall sit Accumulate 50 cal on the bike Switch every 5 cals While one partner bikes, other holds wall sit Lift Overhead squat and Snatch A- oh squat 3 x 4 add gradual weight B- snatch 2×2 light weight 5x 1 add weight each round Metcon 10 amrap 10 overhead […]

  • Thursday 11.09.2017- Crossfit Pre-Teens

      Warm-up Coach Choice New Skill Handstands HSPU Skill Review 1 mile Run Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 HSPU Deadlifts Box Dips/Ring dips  

  • CrossFit websites; Open source or is it just stealing?

    COMMON PROGRAMMING PITFALLS   Do you search the internet every night looking for tomorrows workout? There are inherent risks to this that many Athletes and trainers don’t think about. Simply taking a ‘cool’ workout from someone else’s website disregards the thoughtfulness of the plan and increases your risk of these common programming pitfalls. MINDSET: Speculating […]

  • Wednesday 11.08.2017- Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Coach Choice New Skill Handstands HSPU Skill Review 1 mile Run Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 HSPU Deadlifts Box Dips/Ring dips  

  • Tuesday 11.07.2017 Crossfit Pre-teens

    Warm-up Coach choice Conditioning Med Ball Squat Toss 1- EMOM- 5×15 med ball front squat 2- EMOM- 5×15 sqaut jumps 3- Med ball squat jump and toss – 10 lb for 5x -12 lb for 5x -14 lb for 3x -20lb for 2x Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 AMRAP 10 DB floor press […]

  • Monday 11.6.2017 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Coach choice Conditioning Med Ball Squat Toss 1- EMOM- 5×15 med ball front squat 2- EMOM- 5×15 sqaut jumps 3- Med ball squat jump and toss – 10 lb for 5x -12 lb for 5x -14 lb for 3x -20lb for 2x Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15 AMRAP 10 DB floor press […]

  • Ask me about November 30th…..

    Heart-rate recommendations, Zone Training, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE): Recommendations How to guide our athletes with output recommendations As a CrossFit Athlete have you ever wondered how hard to push yourself in a workout? At CrossFit Main Line every workout is accompanied by the ‘intent’, a short descriptive that give the Athlete recommendations on exertion […]

  • Thursday 11.02.2017 Crossfit PreTeens

    Warm-up 8 AMRAP 10 inch worms 20 squats 30 sec wall sit 40 high knees 50 butt kicks Lift Deadlift 2×2 10×1 Metcon 21-15–9 Back Squats burpee bar hops