Category: Uncategorized

  • Protected: Tuesday 8.22.17 WOD Notes

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  • Protected: Wednesday 8.16.17 WOD NOTES

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  • Bring A Friend Day

    Wednesday, August 2nd is Bring a Friend Day! For those interested in introducing friends to CrossFit, feel free to bring them to class THIS WEDNESDAY at no extra charge! Do you know anyone locally who’s expressed an interest in fitness, working out, or even your own progress at the box? Invite them out and have […]

  • Friday 7.28.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Coaches Choice! Strength Deadlift (2×2 empty bar  10 lifts to PR) Revisit deadlift WOD Coach choice!  

  • Wednesday 7.26.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Me vs you- hold wall sit while partner works 10 inchworm 20 high knees 30 butt kicks 40 mt climbers 30 jumping jacks 20 sit ups 10 inchworm Strength Back Squat (2×2 empty, then 10 lifts ) Revisit back squat Take from rack- find pr Demo Pull ups- spend time finding the scale WOD […]

  • Monday 7.24.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Row vs plank hold 100 m at a time 14 total rounds: 7 rds each Special Strength Revisit clean and front squat WOD EMOM 14 min 2 Burpee 4 deadlift 6 goblet squats 8 kettle bell swings  

  • Friday 7.21.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Coaches Choice Skill Review Handstands Pyramid push ups Handstand push ups Demo Wall balls “Kangie”  (Time) Partner workout 100 pull ups 50 wall balls 100 push ups 50 wall balls 100 sit ups 50 wall balls 100 squats  

  • Wednesday 7.19.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Jump tabata 0-1 bunny hops 1-2 jumping jacks 2-3 tuck jumps (knees to chest) 3-4 donkey jumps (heels to butt) 4-5 squat jumps 5-6 broad jumps Skill Review Jump for height Prep Introduce thruster WOD 10-1 Thruster Box jumps Score: Time  

  • Monday 7.17.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up Skill Review 1-assisted pull up 2×3 2-barbell row 6×8 3-wall walk x 4 4-rest 1 minute *Start a few people at different stations. *Push form and make it hard. They should only be able to get 3 assisted pull ups b/c it’s a difficult scale. *Make sure back stays prone and flat and they […]

  • Friday 7.14.17 Kids Strength Class

    Warm-up 10 EMOM 4 froggers 6 squat jumps 4 broad jumps w/ 2 bounce backs Strength Strict and push press Practice on empty barbells. strict – from floor 4×3 press- from floor 4×3 New Skill Pull ups review pull ups find appropriate scales banded- bounce- kip work WOD 10 AMRAP 5 pull ups 5 cal […]