Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 7.12.17 WOD

    Warm-up Partner Up! Row 100 m – partner does jumping jacks for length of row time rotate for 6 rounds each partner should do a total of 600 m Strength Bench Press Introduce Bench press 2×2 – light weight 6×4 – moderate weight no failure WOD 12 AMRAP 2 hang cleans 4 front squats 6 […]

  • Monday 7.10.17 WOD

    Warm-up Race Yourself 2 Rounds Complete in 4 minutes Restart at 4 minute mark Rest if finish before 4 minute mark 10 push ups 15 sit ups 20 squats 25 jumping jacks 30 sec wall sit 40 mt. climbers Strength Snatch Introduce Snatch Work on mechanics Keep weight light 2×2 to start 10 lifts- add […]

  • Friday 7.7.17 WOD

    Warm-up Meet Me in The Middle 20 high knees 20 butt kicks 20 bunny hops 10 squats 10 sit ups 10 jump squats 10 lunges 20 jumping jacks 20 mt. climbers Strength Introduce Back squats take from rack 2×2 to start 6×4 small weight jumps WOD 10-1 Burpees Back squats **12 min time cap 15 […]

  • CrossFit Block 3 Overall Training Notes

    Training Block Notes:  All Named conditioning pieces as well as Max Effort Pieces will occur on a 12-16 week basis so make sure your athletes log their results Speed work is about moving the barbell efficiently. Don’t sacrifice bar speed for loading. Zercher Box Squat has a great carry-over to pulling movements. There are less […]

  • Conjugate Programming for a CrossFit Gym

    Over the past decade, CrossFit’s growth has been explosive and there is no slowdown in sight. Since I started CrossFit in 2006, I’ve noticed a trend in our community: new box owners brimming with excitement and passion for running a new business, for training people and for helping others, but some without the experience to properly […]

  • Barbell Club Block 2

  • Tuesday 6.13.17 W.O.D.

    Mobility: 5min Foam Roll w. flexion/extension on tender spots 30s each spot – IT Bands – Quads – Lats Warm-up: 10min Grab a light KB and a box and complete: 10 Single Arm Russian Swings (5 ea arm) 10 KB Press (5 ea arm) 10 Alternating Step-ups 10 KB Rows each arm 10 SDHP 10 […]

  • Your June CrossFit Newsletter is Ready!

  • Barbell Club Month 1

  • Friday 5.26.17 Box Brief

    24 Hero WODs in 24 Hours Registration Main Line CrossFit Athletes, Registration is not required to attend normal class times. Class Schedule 24 in 24 asks for a donation outside of these times. Click here to register or donate at the door. Powered by Eventbrite