Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 4.10.17 WOD

    The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Mobility Internal Shoulder Rotation 1.: Power Clean and Jerk (x5 (x2 Power Cleans + x2 Jerks), build across) **complete every 2min **use this an an opportunity to properly warm up** 2.: Xii (Time) 3 Rounds 12 Power Cleans (135,95,115,75) 12 C2B 12 […]

  • RailyardD4

    The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore – Rail Yard Fitness Cardio is hardio (AMRAP – Rounds) Race Yourself 3 rounds complete under 4 rest in remaining time or start anew 10 push ups 15 sit ups 20 squats 25 jumping jacks 30 sec wall sit D4 (AMRAP – Reps) 3 rounds 1 min run- 150 m […]

  • Protected: Monday 3.10.17 WOD NOTES

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  • Sunday 4.9.17 WOD

    The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Monster Mash! Mobility 5min Scap Scrub Slide From Reality (6 Rounds for reps) —In 5min— 21 Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 21 Pull Ups —In 5min— 21 Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) 21 Burpee Bar Hops —In 5min— 9 Muscle Ups 9 Clean and Jerks (135,95,115,75) —In 5min— […]

  • Protected: Sunday 4.9.17 WOD NOTES

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  • 4.8.17

    The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – XFit Pre Teens Warm-up Row tabata- 8 minutes Review how to row 0-1 slow 1-2 fast 2-3 slow 3-4 fast 4-5 slow 5-6 fast 6-7 sprint 7-8 slow recovery Demo Review box jumps Introduce – kettlebell swings Metcon (Time) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 box jumps 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 kettlebell swings Back squat 6×3 4 […]

  • Saturday 4.8.17 WOD

    The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Partner Up! Mobility 8min couch stretch, rotating every 1min Canonball (AMRAP – Reps) Teams of 2 25min AMRAP 50,40 Cal Bike 50 Power Cleans (135,95,115,75) 50,40 Cal Bike 50 Power Cleans (165,115,145,95) 50,40 Cal Bike 50 Power Cleans (195,135,175,115) 50,40 Cal Bike Max […]

  • Protected: Saturday 4.8.17 WOD NOTES

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  • 4.8.17 “PING PONG”

    The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – Rail Yard Fitness Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 2 ROUNDS (Teams of 3) Station 1- Push-ups Station 2- Sit-ups Station 3 – Air Dyne Station 4- Med Ball Runs *2min @ each station

  • 7.7.17 Box Brief

    Mike Pinelli