Category: Uncategorized

  • Protected: Friday 5.13.16 WOD NOTES

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  • Protected: Thursday 5.12.16 WOD NOTES

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  • Protected: Wednesday 5.11.16 WOD Notes

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  • Tuesday 5.10.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 10min 4min: Wall squats and variations (banded, leg crossing over opposite knee). Use this as time to open your hips in preparation for the 4min squat test to follow. 4min: Squat test. Goal is for everyone to hold the bottom of the squat for all 4 minutes. If the Athlete takes […]

  • Week of 5.9.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  Clean and Jerk (1RM) 2.  Snatch (1RM) 3.  Overhead Squat (@ 70% 8×3) 4.  Front Squat (@ 70% 1×8) 5.  GHD Back Extension plus Snatch Grip DL (8RM) Thursday Snatch Balance (5×3) In 20 min complete: 10 Squat Snatches @ 40% by 4:00 8 Squat Snatches @ 50% by 8:00 6 […]

  • Monday 5.9.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min NOTES: Over the next 3 weeks we will complete forearm mobility on DE and ME upper. 2min each side LAX forearms standing next to wall using body weight to press into the wall. Strength: 10min High-Hang Clean (3RM, power) **Complete as 7min EMOM, or less Rd1:  50 Rd4: <50%+ Rd5: […]

  • Sunday 5.8.16 WOD NOTES

    Competition Day! Mobility: 6min 1:30 each side couch stretch 1:30 each side LAX scapula on wall Dynamic Warm Up: 5min WOD: 40min “Mom’s Morning Out” 1000m Row 100 Sit Ups NOTES: Stagger Athletes start by half start on sit ups and half on row. Sit Up modification; anchor feet or perform bridge ups —5min Rest— […]

  • Friday 5.6.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 6min 3min forearm mobility, double LAX ball mobility 1:50 – 3:05 3min front rack mobility: 5:00 – 6:00 Strength: 15min Split Jerk **Build to a heavy double NOTES: Heavy double – Athletes build toa weight where barbell speed begins to decrease, but not to failure. Make sure athletes are receving barbell […]

  • Thursday 5.5.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min 3o lunge forwards each side. 3:00 – 3:40 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back Box Squat – Single Red Band **6×3 @ 60% + band tension **Below Parallel NOTES: WOD: 15min time cap Happy 30th Birthday Matt Parker! “Parker” 30 Rounds 3 Sumo Deadlifts 1 Power Snatch **(135,95,115,75) **15min […]

  • Thursday 5.5.2016 Crossfit teens

    Warm-up Dynamic coach choice Weightlifting Deadlift (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1) build heavy 2×2 to start at a moderate weight Metcon (Time) Cinco De Mayo!! 5 Rounds 5 deadlifts 5 handstand wall walks 5 box jumps 5 snatch