Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 4.14.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 4min 0:00 – 1:45 2min each side, Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Power Clean + Push Press (Heavy Single) NOTES: Why? Ability to work at a heavy PC that is limited by your rep max PP. Build to a heavy with no failures How? Complete the below EMOM to build […]

  • Wednesday 4.13.16 WOD NOTES

    Competition Day Mobility: None Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Movement Demo: 5min WOD: 45min “Universal Soldier” 4 Rounds 5 GTOH (155,105,135,95) 5 C2B NOTES: sub 7min Athletes need to choose a weight they can complete GTOH in quick singles –5min Rest– 3 Rounds 21 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12) 15 HSPU 9 BW Deadlift NOTES: sub 15min Stress […]

  • Wednesday 4.13.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Dynamic- 3-5 minutes, leg heavy 1/2 mile run Weightlifting Back squat (1x1x1x1x1x…) build heavy big jumps 2×2 to warm up 10 lifts or less when adding weight Met-Con 3 Rounds 15 double unders (singlesx3) 10 kb swings 10 sumo deadlift- heavy kb  

  • Tuesday 4.12.16 WOD NOTES

    It is going to be challenging today to get everything in 1 hour. Please read notes throughly. Give 20min on the WOD, expect people to finish in sub 15min Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: NONE During dynamic warm up tell Athletes that they will complete mobility with barbell during movement demo. Have athletes perform mobility with barbell […]

  • Monday 4.11.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 3min 3min 0:00-3:15 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 20min Bench Press (Score 3×3) 1x8x60% 1×6+5# 1×5+5# 4×7+5# 3×3+5# **Starting weight=5% heavier than last week NOTES: Similar to yesterday, Athletes should complete a set every 2min to finish in under 15min. WOD: 20min “Double Impact” In 18min Complete: 40 Hang Power Snatches […]

  • Monday 4.11.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Dynamic- concentrate on legs Double Under practice skill work single unders arms close to body flick the wrists jump higher Backsquat back squat from rack 3×3 **complete 3×2 to find working weight. Once at working weight, stay there. Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 push ups kettlebell squats burpees  

  • Sunday 3.10.16 WOD NOTES

    Mobility: 4min 2min each side Couch Stretch Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min WOD: 30min “Nobody puts KK in the corner!” In 30min Complete: 21-15-9 Deadlift (225,155,185,135) Box jump (24,20,20,18) NOTES: Looking for sub 5min times Deadlift weight should be comparable to ‘Diane’, Athletes should be able to complete 7+ TNG reps unbroken each set. […]

  • Friday 3.8.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Axel Bar Floor Press 5RM NOTES: Why? By using an axel bar we are changing the variation. Again, if we can increase our rep maxes with different implements we will increase the conventional lift. • Allows maximal weight to be pressed without undue stress […]

  • Friday 4.08.2016 Crossfit Juniors

    Warm-up 1- slow jog- 100 m 2- pace run- 100 m 3- sprint- 100 m 4- recovery- 100 m ***rest 2 minutes 5- team relays for cone Rope climbs Review J hook *** whatever metjod comfortable with Practice j hook holds Demo Dumbbell cleans From the knee Metcon (Time) 4 rounds 10 dumbbell cleans 10 […]

  • Week of 4.4.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  7 min to find heavy single Snatch, then max reps at 135/95 in 2 min 2.  Banded Anderson Front Squats (3×8) 3.  For Time: 50 Front Squats 185/125 4.  1/2 Mile Walk with Back Racked Barbell 225/155 5.  Ring Push-ups 4″ (3 x Max or 15) 6.  7 min to find […]