Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 4.7.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Coaches choice, think sumo deadlift; adductors, hamstrings, lumbar mobility, groin Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 12min Sumo Deadlift (1RM, Super wide stance) NOTES: How? Stance 4″ wider than conventional sumo deadlift requiring additional recruitment of the adductors and groin. Why? Like an variation in the conjugate method the goal is […]

  • Wednesday 3.6.16 WOD NOTES

    Competition Day! Mobility: none Dynamic Warm Up: None Instead, As Athletes enter have them row 2000m and then get barbell ready for movement demo. Movement Demo: 5min WOD: 45min – Written by Coach Mike Petrizzo “The Unforgiven” 45 Minute AMWAP: 200m run 1,2,3,4,5,6,7……. Burpee Bar Hop + Deadlift Burpee Bar Hop + Squat Clean Burpee […]

  • Wednesday 4.06.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Dynamic- 3-4 minutes 1/2 mile run Weightlifting Front squat (1×1) From the rack Build heavy in 10 lifts Not to failure Demo Review HSPU Review stink bugs Review cleans Metcon (Time) 4 rounds 10 HSPU (stink bugs) 10 squat cleans 100 meter run  

  • Tuesday 3.5.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 3min 3min 0:00-3:15 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength Bench Press (Score 3×5) 1x8x55% 1×6+5# 1×6+5# 3×5+5# **Starting weight=5% heavier than last week NOTES: Similar to yesterday, Athletes should complete a set every 2min to finish in under 15min. WOD: 20min “Leprechaun Sighting“ 8 Rounds Row 200/150m 10 KB Swings (70,55,55,35) 2 […]

  • Monday 4.4.16 WOD NOTES

    Mobility: 8min 2min each side adductor smash 0:00 – 1:53 2min each side 0:00 – 1:40 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Squat Clean (Score 3×5) 1x8x55% 1×6+5# 1×6+5# 3×5+5# **Starting weight=5% heavier than last week NOTES: Switching up the programing order for the next 3 weeks. We will complete DE work on Monday and Tuesday, […]

  • Monday 4.5.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Dynamic- heavy leg Team sprint relays Weightlifting Front squat 3 sets work up to weight 5X5 Demo Review thruster Review Pull up Met-Con 11-9-7-5-3-1 Thruster/pull ups    

  • Sunday 3.3.16 WOD NOTES

    Mobility: None Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Make it fast pace Movement Demo: 5min Read you audience and make the demo quick. Review the standards and work 1 on 1 with new Athletes. WOD: 45min Todays Competition WOD, courtesy of Coach Byrnsey “Trust me…I’m a Doctor” — 0min -12min — 100 Dubs (x2) 90 Walking Lunges […]

  • Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up Animal crackers Monkey hang Kangaroo hop bear crawl Seal drag Crab Walk Duck walk armadillo roll Rope Knockout! Swing on rope and knockout as many mats as possible Lava Jump Stand on land (behind the jump rope) Jump over the lava! If you fall on, you need 3 burpees to get out! If you […]

  • Friday 4.1.16 Box Brief

    Welcome to ‘AB’ril During the month of April accumulate as many sit ups and mid-line movements as you can. Movements completed in class count towards your total, score your totals on the whiteboard by moving along the marker of your choice. Top three Athletes with the highest numbers get their pick of some pretty incredible prizes; […]

  • Friday 4.1.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Coaches choice for upper pulling and hip ext. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 10min 30 Bar Muscle Ups – For Time **Scale to 60 banded C2B or PU **EC: + vest **10min time cap NOTES: As an extended warm up have all Athletes on rig breaking down kipping mechanics. Make sure […]