Category: Uncategorized

  • Week of 3.7.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1. 10 min EMOM 5 Power Snatches 135/95 2.  Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (@ 50% + 25% 10×2) 3.  Banded Clean Speed Pull (@ 50% + 30% bands 8×1) 4.  Chest Supported Flat Bench Rows (3×12) 5.  Earthquake Bar Bench Against Double Orange – Half Rom Static Hold (4x60s) […]

  • Tuesday 3.8.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Accumulate 5min hanging Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Hang Squat Snatch (6×3 @ 65%) NOTES: Week 1, new DE lower. Allow Athletes to warm up for 3min then compete 1×3 every 2min as a group. Why? The abbreviated positioning of the hang snatch allows for use to focus on […]

  • Monday 3.7.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min 1:40 -end 6:05 – end Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 12min Pull-ups (4 x (C2B + Kipping + Strict)) **Unbroken, each to fatigue **Score lowest total NOTES: Last repeated fall 2015. This is programmed in as 4 sets of unbroken and continuous pull-ups. You will need all 12min to […]

  • Sunday 3.6.16 WOD NOTES

    Competition Day Write the below warm up on a whiteboard and have the Athletes complete it as they arrive. Start on time today. No mobility, No dynamic Warm up, 5min movement demo (have the athletes complete several movements with their barbell). 5min to set up, 40min to WOD. This should leave you 10 extra minutes. Warm […]

  • Friday 3.4.16 Box Brief

    Registered for the CrossFit Open Join us Friday starting at 5:30pm – Ardmore **When you arrive make sure to add your name to the heat list.  

  • Friday 3.4.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility:5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Shoulder Press ((75,55,65,45) 4 sets, Max Reps) **score lowest set NOTES: Last completed in early 2015. How? Give Athletes 3 min to build to weight then start everyone on the same clock. Start a new set every 3 min.  If not Rx+ or Rx weight, Athletes […]

  • Thursday 3.3.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: Complete after dynamic warm up. Complete 4x20sec. isometric holds with band, video below Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 10min Sumo Deadlift (12×1 + Band Tension) **5min to warm up, then complete 1 rep every 30sec NOTES: Give athletes 5min to get bar to 75% + band tension. Then start the clock, […]

  • Wednesday 3.2.16 Box Brief

    March 1, 2016 Regency property group called today to update us on the waiver process from Trader Joes and Staples. This week Trader Joes gave the landlord a verbal ‘OK’ on approving waivers that would allow our use in the shopping center and the landlord expects to have signed copies in had by the end […]

  • Wednesday 3.2.16 WOD NOTES

    Competition Day! Mobility: None Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Complete extensive warm up, lots of dynamic movements. Get Athletes really warmed up since there is no Mobility. WOD: 45min NOTES ARE LISTED BELOW EACH AMARAP  If busy put Athletes in teams of 4; rotate through AMRAPs and share gear.  “Slick Willie” 3min AMRAP 5 Back Squats, […]

  • Week of 2.29.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  20 min E2MOM 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Full Snatch 2.  Muscle Snatch (3×8) 3.  Back Squat (@ 80% 8×2 (Open 4×2)) 4.  Deadlift (@ 70% 6×1 For speed (Open @50%)) 5.  One Arm DB Row (3×12) 6.  Orange Banded Back Extension (3×12) Thursday 1. 12 Min EMOM 1 Clean and […]