Category: Uncategorized

  • Tuesday 3.1.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Complete mobility in video below. Foam rolling LATs Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Thruster (12×2 @ 70%, from the rack) NOTES: Goal is to get Athletes comfortable under load and volume. Spend some time today going over the thruster points of performance. WOD: 20min “Big Meech” 5 Rounds 100m […]

  • Tuesday 3.1.2016 Crossfit Pre-teens

    Warm-up 15 squats 10 sit ups 5 push ups Metcon (12 Rounds for weight) 3-1-04 Happy Birthday, Brooke! EMOM 12 min 3 cleans 1 front squat 4 push press Weightlifting Introduce Snatch 1-2 min on pull 1-2 min on shrugs 1-2 min on high pull 1-2 min on catch 3-4 full Complete: 5×5  

  • Monday 2.29.16 Box Brief

    CrossFit Open 16.1 – Scores Make sure to submit your score the CrossFit Games website by Monday night

  • Monday 2.29.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min 5min banded wall sit Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Have fun today, try something new. Stray form the traditional line warm up….. Strength: 15min Hang Squat Clean (3RM) NOTES: Complete extension barbell warm up, having Athletes sit in the bottom position of the clean with a solid front rack position. How? […]

  • Warm-up 15 squats 10 sit ups 5 push ups Weightlifting Introduce Snatch 1-2 min on pull 1-2 min on shrugs 1-2 min on high pull 1-2 min on catch 3-4 full Complete: 5×5 Metcon (12 Rounds for weight) 3-1-04 EMOM 12 min 3 cleans 1 front squat 4 push press  

  • Sunday 2.28.16 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Competition Day! Mobility: None Dynamic Warm Up: None Instead of a dynamic warm up write the below on  a whiteboard and have the Athletes complete it as they come in. Start movement demo on time. Warm Up: 21-15-9 PVC Thrusters Push Ups Sit Ups WOD #1 “Lord of the Skies” 0:00-18:00min 21-15-9 Thrusters […]

  • Friday 2.26.16 Box Brief

    New Apparel Has Arrived! All previous seasons apparel, Now 30% off.

  • Friday 2.26.16 WOD NOTES

    CrossFit Open 16.1 Friday Night Lights Start 5:30pm – Ardmore Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Coaches choice: hamstring and hips Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Good Mornings (3RM, From Rack) NOTES: Perform with bent knee. DO NOT perform with straight leg. The good morning is a hip hinge similar to the kettle bell swing […]

  • Friday 2.26.2016 Crossfit juniors

    Warm-up Dynamic musical med balls Conditioning Sprint relays team accumulates 2000 meters! Demo Med Ball cleans Wall Balls Metcon 8 min AMRAP 10- wall balls 25- singles 10- weighted lunges Finisher/Recovery “Kip until you Kan’t”  

  • Thursday 2.25.16 Box Brief

    What is the Open? “Whether you want to battle with the best in Carson at the CrossFit Games, or just beat your buddy Carson for water cooler bragging rights there’s tons of ways to participate and compete in the Open.”