Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 2.25.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Complete mobility in video below. Foam rolling LATs Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Thruster (6×3 @ 65%) NOTES: Goal is to get Athletes comfortable under load and volume. Spend some time today going over the thruster points of performance. WOD: 20min “El Chapo” 100 KB Swings (70,55,55,35) 100 Push Ups […]

  • Wednesday 2.24.16 WOD NOTES

    Announcement Join us for CrossFit Main Line’s viewing of “Froning, The Fittest Man On Earth” When: Wednesday 2.24.16 7:30pm Where: CrossFit Main Line – Wayne What: Movie + Pizza + Beer! Competition Wednesday! Mobility: None Complete extended barbell warm up as mobility, making Athletes hold positions. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Movement Demo: 5min WOD #1: […]

  • Week of 2.22.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (@ 45% + 25% Bands 5×5 (Open 3×5)) 2.  Power Snatch (1RM (Open Heavy Single)) 3.  Barbell Row (4×10 (Open 2×10)) 4.  Back Extensions (5×8 (Open 3×8)) 5. 20″ Step Ups Against Single Orange Band (3×8 (Open Skip)) Thursday 1.  3s Pause Front Squat (@ 70% 8×3 (Open 5×3)) 2.  […]

  • Tuesday 2.13.16 WOD NOTES

    So Much To Announce! Wednesday 2.23.16 Movie Night @ CFML – Wayne Friday 2.25.16 – Friday Night Lights and Coach Kevin B-Day Party Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: Complete after dynamic warm up. Complete 4x20sec. isometric holds with band, video below Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 10min Sumo Deadlift (10×1 @ 70% + band tension) Build to […]

  • Tuesday 2.23.16 CrossFit Kids

    Warm-up Dynamic Conditioning Running relays speed 3x 100 meter sprint recovery 100 m between each sprint 2x 400 meter pace recovery 1 min between Weightlifting Clean and jerk Demo- clean Demo- jerkWork up to a heavy 10 lifts or less Metcon 9 min AMRAP 9 burpees 18 sit ups 1 rope climb

  • Monday 2.22.16 Box Brief

    Join us for CrossFit Main Line’s viewing of “Froning, The Fittest Man On Earth” When: Wednesday 2.24.16 7:30pm Where: CrossFit Main Line – Wayne What: Movie + Pizza + Beer!

  • Monday 2.22.16 WOD NOTES

    We are completing the metcon first today as we prepare for the CF Open. Please encourage Athletes to sign up for the CrossFit Open. Max Effort Upper Mobility: 8min 2min couch stretch each side + 2min each side foam roll lats Dynamic Warm Up: 5min On an 18min running clock complete: WOD “CrossFit Open 2016 […]

  • Monday 2.22.2016 Crossfit teens

    Warm-up Dynamic Rope climb wars Demo Hang Power Cleans -practice 3×3 Push press – practice 3X3 Kettlebell swings -practice 3X3 *** go heavier than WOD weight Metcon 3 rounds 1 minute at each movement 1 minute rest between each round Hang power Cleans Push Press Kettlebell Swings  

  • Sunday 2.21.16 WOD NOTES

    Today we will not perform mobility or a dynamic warm up. On a white board in the middle of room write the below warm up and as Athletes enter the Box have them complete it before class starts. Start on time by having Athletes grab barbells and review the movements with barbells as a warm […]

  • 2.20.16 Box Brief

    CrossFit Open Don’t forget to sign up! Friday Night Lights starts 2.26.16 5:30pm While we hit benchmark workouts at our affiliates throughout the year (1-rep-max back squat, 1-rep-max snatch, Fran, Cindy), the CrossFit Games Open is the time to see how we perform compared to other CrossFitters around the world. The 2016 Open will commence […]