Category: Uncategorized

  • Friday 1.29.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Coaches choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 12min Muscle Snatch (Heavy single) **focus on extension and lock out NOTES: Complete as 12min EMOM. This will help Athletes keep on task. Min 1-4 Warm Up sets, 3-4 reps EMOM , less than 50% Min 4-8 Build to 80% 1-2 reps EMOM, […]

  • Thursday 1.28.16 Box Brief

    The CrossFit Kitchen: Lemon-Pepper Chicken With Butternut Squash This time on The CrossFit Kitchen, Nick Massie of PaleoNick.comcreates finger-lickin’-good lemon-pepper chicken. Start by roasting the squash and chicken. In the meantime, heat a little olive oil in a cast-iron skillet and toast the garlic. Next, add the onions, mushrooms and stock to start a savory topping […]

  • Thursday 1.28.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 4min 2min each side couch stretch Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 12min Front Rack Reverse Lunge (3×12, build to a heavy set of 12 (L+R=2)) NOTES: Take from rack The front rack lunge is generally used as an accessory exercise. For the next 3 weeks we will be using it as […]

  • Wednesday 1.27.16 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min 2 pieces. Complete #1 before the dynamic warm up. Complete #2 after dynamic warm up, have Athletes grab barbells. Complete before the burger snatch warm up. Make sure you educate Athlete on why they are performing these mobility pieces today. 1. 5min Squat test with movement 2. 0:00-2:05 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min NOTES: After […]

  • Warm-up x3 15 second passive wide shoulder hang 15 second pull up width active hang Warm-up x3 10 inchworms 10 air squat 10 push ups 10 sit ups Weightlifting Snatch snatch shrug snatch pull snatch catch squat snatch 10 lifts to a moderate weight in full squat Metcon 4 rounds 10 snatch 10 push press […]

  • Week of 1.25.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  Back Squat (1RM) 2.  Hang Snatch (6×2 – From above knee) 3.  Seated Good Mornings (3×8 ) 4.  Reverse Hypers (3×20 ) 5.  Shoulder Press (5RM) Thursday 1.  Box Squats (1RM) 2.  Snatch Grip Deadlift (5×5) 3.  1s Pause Front Squat (@75% 6×3) 4.  Hang Clean (6×2 – Above knee) 5.  […]

  • Tuesday 1.26.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 4min Partner up and complete 2min on each Athlete 0:00-2:35 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Today think about ways to increase the number of toros and upper body movements into the dynamic warm up. Example arm circles, x2 burpees then jog it out to the next cone. Strength: 12min Incline Bench Press […]

  • Monday 1.25.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Let Athletes know that we will be performing pause back squats and thrusters as our next DE lower and upper. Mobility: 5min • 1min each side, coaches choice banded overhead distraction, think front rack • 4min, hip opener, coaches choice; think…Athletes in bottom position for 4min. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back […]

  • Monday 1.25.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up A- Stretch- hamstring and pectoral B- 4 minute tabata- jump rope Weightlifting Clean and Jerk 5×3 work up to a moderate to challenging  WOD weight Metcon 10 c&j 10 air squats 10c&j 10 air squats 10 c&j 10 air squats  

  • Sunday 1.24.16 Box Brief

    Normal Class Schedule Resumes 8:30 & 9:30am Workouts 9:30am babysitting at both locations **be careful, parking lots and walkways may not be fully cleared Yoga 1-2pm @ Ardmore