Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 1.18.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 6min 2:40-6:24 Video Below 3min Keg stretch again today but use double LAX balls. 3min Side to side lunges as shown in video Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Have Athletes perform shuttle runs as part of warm up. Strength: 15min Thruster (1RM  ) **Take from rack NOTES: Take from rack. While coaching the […]

  • Monday 1.18.2016 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up Leg for Days! Frankenstein, scales, lunges, inchworms, squat turns, broad jumps New Skill Romanian Deadlifts With KB 10 each legs start at 15 lbs Metcon 30-20-10 Single Unders Kettlebell swings- 15/25 Goblet squats- 25/35 Midline knee raises- 3X10  

  • Sunday 1.17.16 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min 5min Keg Stretch with barbell, work hands from snatch grip to clean grip. Hips stay on floor, drive chin to chest. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Start slow, end fast. neurologically prime for WODs Strength: 10min Power Snatch (3RM Hang Power Snatch + OHS) **HPS+HPS+HPS+OHS **Complete as EMOM. Min 1-3 less than 50% […]

  • Friday 1.15.16 Box Brief

    Sunday Recovery Yoga with Monika Brass starts January 17th at 1:00pm at the Ardmore location! The four-week session is free for our athletes, but space is limited so email to reserve your spot.

  • Friday 1.15.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 12min Hang Power Clean (1RM) NOTES: Work as 12min EMOM, Min 1-3 complete x2 HPC at >30%. Min 3-5 x1 HPC 30-60%, Min 6+ build to a  new 1RM How? Athletes need to stand to full extension, organize and then load hamstrings back to […]

  • Thursday 1.14.16 Box Brief

      Happy 2016! We hope everyone had a great Holiday season filled with quality family time and good eats to toast another great year.  Now its time to get back our focus and figure out our 2016 goals and your Main Line CrossFit family is here to help – gym oriented or not!   The […]

  • Thursday 1.14.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Work both exercises, 20 flexions each way. 0:00-1:45 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back Squat (EMOM for 10min x3 @ 65%, from rack ) EMOM for 10min x3 Back Squats, from rack @ 60% NOTES: Why? Timing rest periods insures that Athletes perform strength movements in fatigued state, working different muscle […]

  • Thursday 1.15.16 CrossFit Teens

    Warm-up Leg Stretch Ankle, hip flexor Jumps- times 2 10 squat jumps 10 burpees 10 broad jumps Skill Review Front Squat– work up to wod weight Deadlift Rope Climb Metcon 5 Rounds 1 Rope Climb 2 Front Squat 3 Burpees 4 push Ups 5 Deadlifts Cool Down Hammy stretch

  • Wednesday 1.13.16 Box Brief

    Rethinking Weight Loss and the Reasons We’re ‘Always Hungry’ Q. What is the basic message of your book? A. The basic premise is that overeating doesn’t make you fat. The process of getting fat makes you overeat. Q. But we’ve all been told that obesity is caused by eating too much. Is that not the case? […]

  • Wednesday 1.13.16 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Partner Mobility, 2min each. 0:00-2:35 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Work in agility ladders. Suggested video below Skill Work: 8min EMOM for 8min 20sec. Max K2E 40sec. Rest **Score your round that has the lowest reps. **Beginners: Focus on good kipping mechanics, syncing kips together. **Advanced: Focus on clearly  making contact with […]