Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 1.13.15 CrossFit Teens

    Warm-Up Complete 2 times 1 min- tuck jumps 1 min- squats 1 min- jumping lunges 1 min- plank hold Special Strength Handstand holds-handstand push ups-handstand walks Skill Review Clean and jerks **review movement **work up to WOD weight Metcon EMOM- 10 minutes clean front squat jerk back squat Cool Down stretch  

  • Tuesday 1.12.16 Box Brief

    Congrats to out Athletes that participated in the 2016 Wheelhouse Winter Games. The Main Line CrossFit placed 2 of the top five masters Athletes! Shannon Sofield Mike Shine Chris Connors Patrick Regan

  • Tuesday 1.12.16 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 6min Complete all 3 mobility pieces shown. 1min on each piece, per shoulder. Make sure you coach Athletes through this mobility so that they get the best results. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Split Jerk (10×3 EMOM @ 65% from rack) NOTES: Keep Athletes on target to complete 3 […]

  • Week of 1.11.16 Barbell Club

    Conjugate Strength Tuesday 1.  Banded Back Squat – Double Red (1RM – no box – Everyone uses red) 2.  Hang Clean (1RM) 3.  Muscle Snatch Against Single Orange (4×6) 4.  High-Hang Snatch (6×2 Build across – Score heaviest double, no drops) 5.  Back Extensions (1xMax, If less than 25 reps, 2xMax) Thursday Warm-up: Seated Box Jumps (1xMax Height) 1.  Back Box […]

  • Monday 1.11.16 Box Brief

    Meet the S.C. teen dubbed the “LeBron James of weightlifting” Recognize anything?? Maybe the CrossFit Box he is training in….

  • Monday 1.11.16 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 4min 2min each side: Couch Stretch Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Finish with Athletes performing squat jumps and laying on floor performing hip extension. Example: 3 Rounds: 10 Squat Jumps + 10 Hip Extensions Strength: 12min Weighted Step-ups (24,20 Back Racked,Build to a heavy 10 (L+R=2)) NOTES: Athletes can triple up to […]

  • Monday 1.11.15 Crossfit Teens

    Warm-up For 4 minutes 30 seconds jump to 45 lb plate 30 seconds sit ups Special Strength Review squat Back squat 5X3 Skill Review Pull ups Push ups Metcon Cindy 12 minute AMRAP 5 pull ups— ring rows 10 push ups—snake ups 15 squats Midline 3 minute tabata–plank  

  • Sunday 1.10.16 Box Brief

    “The only place I can … really catch you on that midline is the glute-ham developer and L-sits.” Greg Glassman talks to a group at CrossFit HQ about including more work on the GHD and the L-sit in training.

  • Sunday 1.10.16 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: None Dynamic Warm Up: 8min 3min. Add Gymnastics Warm Up, Coaches choice as to which parts that want to add. Skill: 15min 10 x Lower from a handstand against the wall to your feet as slowly as possible, perform to a negative **count seconds out loud, score your slowest time **Rx+ increase negative […]

  • Saturday 1.9.16 Box Brief

    Former Games athletes and champions weigh in on what they love about the Open. “Lots of people … are doing things that they never thought possible just because they’re in that atmosphere of, one, competition, and two, of support from the community,” says Dan Bailey. “If you’re thinking about the Open but you’re not really […]