Category: Uncategorized

  • Protected: Amazing Race – Coaches Notes

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  • Sunday 12.6.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 4min Keg Stretch on foam rollers with barbell or Kbs Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Snatch Complex (5x Power + Hang Squat + Full) **Build Across NOTES: Why? By performing a PS first, the Athlete will have to create more force and power in the hang squat and full snatch, having been fatigued […]

  • Friday 12.4.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min 2min each side banded samson stretch, play with back foot placement today as a way to work ankle mobility in. 3x30sec squat test with barbell in front squat position, after dynamic warm up Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Focus on opening hips, firing midline and ankle mobility. Strength: 15min Front Squat (1RM, […]

  • Thursday 12.3.15 Box Brief

    Sweet Lies By Hilary Achauer New documentary “Sugar Coated” reveals a secret PR campaign and its disastrous impact on health. We weren’t always so unhealthy. Until 1980, approximately 12-14 percent of Americans were obese, but by the end of that decade the number had about doubled, reaching 22-25 percent. Similarly, diabetes rates tripled over the […]

  • Thursday 12.3.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Repeat from Monday, Will use this mobility for the next 2 week DE Cycle. 2:00 -3:10 Strength:15min Bench Press (3×3 wide, 3×3 med, 3×3 close @ 60% + band tension) NOTES: Make sure that the band has tension at the bottom and top of the lift. If you have to […]

  • Wednesday 12.2.15 Box Brief

    Congrats to our 2015 RowVember Winners! First Place: Steve 240,357m Second Place: Chris 214,600m ThirdPlace: Dimitry 192,000m

  • Wednesday 12.2.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm Up: 7min WOD: 25min “Victorious Secret” 4 Rounds 21 Bounds (24,20) 18 Wall Balls (20,14) 15 KB Swings (55,35) 12 HSPU NOTES: Budget half the class for todays WOD. Movement should not be completed quickly. Bounds, over PVC pipe set at height listed. Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min $ […]

  • Tuesday 12.1.15 Box Brief

    Barbell Club weekly programming now available on blog LINK TO BLOG

  • Tuesday 12.1.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 8min 2min each side couch stretch 2min each side 1/2 pigeon Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Box Squats (Box Squats (10×2 @ 60% + band tension, low box, normal box squat stance) NOTES: Why? Stresses good technique while allowing the Athlete to sit back onto a box, keeping their shins vertical, […]

  • Monday 11.30.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 4min 2min each side. 2:00 – 3:40 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Power Clean + Push Press (1RM) NOTES: Complete as EMOM. Coach Athletes to use the first 5min as a warm up and the following 5-7min building across. Athletes need to limit total reps to less than 10. Athletes will be […]