Category: Uncategorized

  • Tuesday 11.24.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Repeat from Monday, Will use this mobility for the next 2 week DE Cycle. 2:00 -3:10 Strength: 15min Bench Press (9×3 @ 55% + band tension) 3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow NOTES: Make sure that the band has tension at the bottom and top of the lift. If you […]

  • Monday 11.23.15 WOD NOTES

    Make sure to put on a good show this week. Lots of drop ins are scheduled to attend classes this week. Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min 5min squat test + working the corners of the groin Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back Squat (1RM) NOTES: 5-8 reps to 50%, then less than 10 reps […]

  • Sunday 11.22.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min WOD NOTES: After dynamic warm up have athletes grab barbells and review snatch. Coach them that they will have 12min to complete 1RM snatch, you will then review clean and jerk and they will have 12min to complete 1RM C&J. During each movement review review […]

  • Sunday 11.22.15 Barbell Club

    1 rep maxes, for next cycle Strength Back Squat (1RM) Strength Front Squat (1RM) Strength Clean and Jerk (1RM ) Strength Snatch (1RM)  

  • Sunday 11.21.15 Box Brief

    Announcements Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.26.15 9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed Friday 11.27.15 9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs) Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open!

  • Friday 11.20.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 8min 4min wall sit + 2min each side couch stretch Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 5min Back Squat (1 Attempt Max Reps Back Squat (45,35)) **You may not stop movement NOTES:  Stop Athletes if they begin to pause at the top or bottom of the movement. Once the hips extend at the […]

  • Thursday 11.19.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Repeat from Monday, Will use this mobility for the next 3 week DE Cycle. 2:00 -3:10 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Bench Press (9×3 @ 50% + band tension) 3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow Why? In a traditional bench press, as the bar is pressed away form the […]

  • Wednesday 11.1815 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 6min 3min each side 0:50 – 2:50 If you run out of rig space, Athletes can partner up and hold opposite sides of the band. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Snatch From Blocks (3×3 @ 65% Below Knee, 3×3 @ 65% Above Knee) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height […]

  • 11.17.15 Box Brief

    Adopt-A-Family Holiday Adopt-A-Family to support wounded veterans and their families.  We have been matched with two amazing families – details on their wish lists and the process for donating will be available at the boxes right after Thanksgiving.

  • Tuesday 11.17.15 WOD NOTES

     Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 8min 2min each side couch stretch 2min each side 1/2 pigeon Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Box Squats (10×2 @ 50% + band tension, low box, normal stance) Why? Stresses good technique while allowing the Athlete to sit back onto a box, keeping their shins vertical, placing the load onto the […]