Category: Uncategorized

  • 11.16.15 Box Brief

    Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.26.15 9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed Friday 11.27.15 9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs)

  • 11.16.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min 2:00 -3:10 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Bench Press (1RM + 1 block) **Use a single  yoga block to decrease to eccentric load Why? • Overloading where the benchpress is weak. • Work under heavy load with shorter range of motion to increase recovery times • Tricep development How? […]

  • 11.15.15 Box Brief

    Giving Back This season our community will have the following opportunities to give back at the boxes: Thanksgiving food drive to support the People’s Emergency Center which services homeless women and children in West Philadelphia. Donations of rolls, cider, canned gravy or canned cranberries would be welcome for their Thanksgiving dinner.  Other non-perishable items would be appreciated for future […]

  • Sunday 11.15.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min + snatch warm up Same snatch warm up at Friday Strength: 15min Snatch From Blocks (3×3 @ 65% 1RM snatch from blocks) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar 3×3 Below Knee 3×3 Above Knee NOTES: Athletes will complete 3×3 below […]

  • 11.14.15 Box Brief

    EOD 130 Memorial WOD Reason: The EOD 130 Memorial Workout is in honor of the 130 EOD Technicians in the Navy, Army, Marine Corps and Air Force who have made the ultimate sacrifice since 9/11. Meaning: The workout is to be completed as a 2-Man EOD Team, consisting of 4 couplets to represent each of […]

  • 11.13.15 Box Brief

    New Apparel Check it out! New Main Line CrossFit and Main Line Barbell Club apparel available.  Very limited quantities available!   Email to reserve yours!

  • Friday 11.13.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min 5min, keg stretch with foam roller and barbell. Hands in snatch position Dynamic Warm Up: 7min + Snatch warm up with barbell (coaches choice) Strength: 15min Power Snatch (1RM) NOTES: Athletes must catch barbell above parallel to classify as power snatch. During movement demo breakdown each of the pulls and the […]

  • 11.12.15 Box Brief

    EOD 130 Memorial Workout When: Saturday 11.14.15, during regular WOD times Where: Main Line CrossFit – Ardmore & Wayne How: Donation to the EOD Warrior Foundation click here register here. Enter “CrossFit Main Line” or “CrossFit R5” Why: Providing financial assistance to wounded, injured or ill EOD warriors Information about the EOD Warrior Foundation can […]

  • Thursday 11.12.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Elevated Couch Stretch Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Front Box Squat (6×3 @ 75%, below parallel ) NOTES: Why? The front box squat is used to strength the hamstrings, quads and glutes as well as starting strength in the squat with some transfer to the first pull of the deadlift. Unlike […]

  • 11.11.15 BOX Brief

      October has wrapped up and so has the Lifestyle Challenge.  For the last 30 days nearly 100 Athletes participated in the yearly nutritional challenge where we broke bad habits, met fitness goals and learned a thing or two about food choices. Although only three teams could stand atop the podium, every team in the challenge saw great results and made […]