Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 11.5.15 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility Runner’s lunge hold- move torso while holding this pose calf stretch- feet on wall, reach for wall Warm-up 5 minute AMRAP 5 push ups 10 sit ups 15 jumping jacks Skill Review Box jumps start at a low height, work way up Metcon EMOM- 10 minutes 5 clean and jerks 50 meter sprint Midline […]

  • Wednesday 11.4.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Coaches Choice: calf, knee and hip. Jumping prep Dynamic Warm Up: During RowVember try to use the ergs to warm Athletes up and encourage them to score on the RowVember board. Think neurological jumping prep Jump Seated Box Jumps (Bound over PVC for max height ) Sit on box at knee height […]

  • 11.3.15 Box Brief

    Does Processed Meat Cause Cancer? By: Marc Halpern Wow, what a week. The World Health Organization classified processed meats and, to a lesser degree, red meat as cancer causing.1 Vegetarians and vegans rejoiced. Facebook blew up with bacon memes. As with everything, there is some truth to the new claims. But the WHO needs to draw a line in the […]

  • Tuesday 11.3.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Elevated Couch Stretch Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Front Box Squat (6×3 @ 70%, below parallel ) NOTES: Why? The front box squat is used to strength the hamstrings, quads and glutes as well as starting strength in the squat with some transfer to the first pull of the deadlift. Unlike […]

  • Monday 11.2.15 WOD NOTES

    Encourage Athletes to participate in RowVember ME Upper Mobility: 5min Front Rack, coaches choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Focus on hip openers Strength: 15min Thruster (1RM, take from rack) NOTES: Videos below WOD: 20min “Whoomp! There It Is” 50 Calorie Row 50 Axle Bar Deadlifts (225,155) 50 Wall Balls (20,14) 50 HSPU **20min time cap, if […]

  • Monday 11.2.15 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility Lax ball chest roll out lax ball hamstring rollout Warm-up dynamic Weightlifting Deadlift mechanics Build to a heavy lift- 10 lifts total Metcon  Rounds for time 10 dumbbell shoulder press 10 dumbbell front squat 10 burpees to a 45 lb plate Midline 20×3 Russian twist – 10-15 lb dumbbell  

  • 11.1.15 Box Brief

    RowVember 2015 Welcome to RowVember. Over the next 30 days accumulate as many meters as you can and score on the whiteboard. Only a few rules to follow Count all the meters you row in WODs Count all the meters you row outside of the WODs. Including at home, crew house or in an actual […]

  • Sunday 11.1.15 WOD NOTES

     Explosive Strength Mobility :5min 2min each side. 0:00 – 2:50 Explosive Strength: 10min In 10min Complete 2 x 500m Row Score Fastest time, rest as needed NOTES: Encourage Athletes to add the meters to the RowVember Board. This is an all out sprint for 500m. WOD: 20min “Truly Madly Deeply” 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Hang Cleans (95,65) Dubs […]

  • 10.31.15 Box Brief

    Running Clinic Free for Main Line CrossFit Athletes When: Saturday, November 1, 12-1pm Where: Main Line CrossFit – Ardmore Do you want to improve your speed, form and endurance? Join Coach Ryan and Ana for a two hours seminar on: Form and Efficiency Footwear Running for CrossFit Running for distance Programming Click here to read more and […]

  • 10.30.15 Box Brief

    The 2015 Lifestyle Challenge Ends Today! Please update the scoreboard with your week 4 total and final score by Saturday 11.1.15. Winners will be announced over the weekend! Good Luck! Lifestyle Challenge Update Shows and Scoreboard updates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3