Category: Uncategorized

  • Friday 10.30.15 WOD NOTES

    ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Be creative. Strength: 15min Bent Over Row (5RM, wide grip) NOTES: This movement is generally used an accessory movement. Today we will use it as our main lift. How? Perform a wide grip deadlift, standing to […]

  • 10.29.15 Box Brief

    The 2015 Lifestyle Challenge comes to an end Friday 10.30.15. Please update the scoreboard with your week 4 total and final score by Saturday 11.1.15. Winners will be announced over the weekend! Good Luck! Lifestyle Challenge Update Shows and Scoreboard updates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

  • Thursday 10.29.15 WOD NOTES

    Announcement ZombieFit: Halloween WOD & Party Saturday 10.31.15, 8:30 & 9:30am WODs Saturday Coaches: We will let you know how to run the WOD and Party in the Saturday WOD notes Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min This week we have encouraged Coaches to add new things into the dynamic warm up. […]

  • 10.28.15 Box Brief

    Restricted Success By Hilary Achauer Our bodies fight restrictive diets in every way possible, resulting in weight gain, not weight loss, over the long term. Starting a new diet can be thrilling. It’s a time of hope and possibility. The process often starts with a trip to the drugstore for a notebook to write down […]

  • Wednesday 10.28.15 WOD NOTES

    Read WOD NOTES for timing of WOD 1 and 2 Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 28 Strength: 12min 3 Position Snatch (Build to a heavy) **Ground, below knee, high hang Why? The 3 position snatch can be completed from various positions, floor to hang and hang to floor. Today we will start at […]

  • Wednesday 10.28.2015 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility shoulder openings on rig Warm-up 10 arm circles forward 10 arm circles backward 5 explosive push ups 5 wall balls x3 Special Strength Front squat- from rack 5×5 Metcon 10 minute AMRAP 5 snatches 10 overhead squats 15 box jumps Midline 1 min plank 1 min side plank 1 min side plank  

  • 10.27.15 Box Brief

    Lifestyle Challenge Week 4 Update Show 4 days to go!!!

  • Tuesday 10.27.15 WOD NOTES

    Quick Reminder: Coaches shadowing are not to instruct Athletes unless they are towards the end of their 100 hours and you have been told they are OK to begin Coaching. This includes Coaching new Athletes. Currently, the only shadowing Coaches approaching their 100 hours are Eve and Mike Petrizzo. All others should listening and learning. […]

  • 10.26.15 Box Brief

    RowVember RowVember is coming back!  During the month of November accumulate as many meters as you can on the erg. Meters rowed in class count towards your total. Score your totals on the whiteboard, the top three Athletes with the most meters rowed get bragging rights, and some awesome prizes. More information will be announced in the coming weeks.

  • Monday 10.26.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 26 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Get creative this week. Do some research on ways to warm up the Athletes while keeping them talking. Strength: 15min Clean From Blocks (1RM, bar below knee) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar How? The clean […]