Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 10.26.15 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility Upper body stretches roller under upper back, stretch upwards to grab a barbell Warm-up 10 sit ups 10 scissor kicks 20 mountain climbers’ X3 New Skill Introduce the snatch Practice Metcon 5 Rounds for Time 100 meter run 10 deadlifts 10 burpees 1 rope climb Midline V-ups 3×10  

  • 10.25.15 Box Brief

    Debunking Fitness Myths: Weightlifting Celebrity trainer Mark Langowski reveals whether lifting weights will really make you bulky.

  • Sunday 10.25.15 WOD NOTES

    Announcement Barbell Club Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Explosive Strength Mobility Strength Tall Snatch (in 10min build to a heavy) **Be aggressive in the 3rd pull, under the bar NOTES: Why? The tall snatch can help train and reinforce the proper mechanics of the pull under the bar, and train speed, aggressiveness, confidence and precision in the turnover. […]

  • 10.24.15 BOX Brief

    CrossFit will be hosting a new online competition in early November.  The competition will consist of Snatch, Clean & Jerk and 1 metcon.  It will also have weight classes and age groups.  Check out the link below for more info on this competition coming early November. CrossFit Liftoff

  • 10.23.15 Box Brief

    Winter Hoodies Pre-Order Ends Today Limited pieces available

  • 10.23.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Over the next week focus on expanding the dynamic warm up by adding new movements Strength: 15min Back Rack Lunge (20RM, L+R=2) NOTES: Take from rack. Athletes need to warm up by completing multiple reps. After warm up, if Athletes complete several reps and think they can […]

  • 10.22.15 Box Brief

    Running Clinic Free for Main Line CrossFit Athletes When: Saturday, November 1, 12-1pm Where: Main Line CrossFit – Ardmore Do you want to improve your speed, form and endurance? Join Coach Ryan and Ana for a two hours seminar on: Form and Efficiency Footwear Running for CrossFit Running for distance Programming Click here to read more and […]

  • Thursday 10.22.15 WOD NOTES

    Announcement Barbell Club @ ML Cancelled Sunday 10.25.15 Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Hang Clean (5×3 High Hang Clean) **Every 2min. This is not meant to be a TNG off the quad. Stop and reset each high hang clean NOTES:  Complete this as an EMOM, Every 2min. Athletes should not […]

  • 10.21.15 Box Brief

    The Fall season is officially upon us. The weather is cooling down, days are getting shorter, school is back in session and kids’ fall sports are in full swing. A lot has happened in the last month at the Main Line CrossFit Boxes. New gear is still arriving, a new location for CrossFit R5 is coming and new faces are joining […]

  • Wednesday 10.21.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 21 Dynamic Warm-up: 5min NOTES: Add in Jumping + Agility Ladder ladder Below are a couple of video and an article for reference. Do additional homework. Breaking Muscle Article for additional Dynamic Warm Up Movements WOD: 40min “Unfriended” 25 Rounds 1 Deadlift 2 Hang Cleans 3 Push […]