Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 10.21.2015 Crossfit teens

    Mobility Foam roll out: hammies and calves Warm-up 1 min jumping jacks 1 min high knees 1 min butt kicks 1 min lunges New Skill Push jerk 4X3 split jerk 4X3 *** from the rack Metcon 10 minute AMRAP 5 Thrusters 10 single unders 5 pull ups Midline 3 times 1 min planl 30 sec […]

  • 10.20.15 Box Brief

    2015 Lifestyle Challenge Week 2 Update Show

  • Tuesday 10.20.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 20 Mobility Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Overhead Squat ( 6×3 w/ earth quake bar @ 30% + 25%hanging) **Use band to hang KBs + metal plates from bar NOTES: Insure that Athletes are working at a true 30% bar weight + 25% hanging, because […]

  • Monday 10.19.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Strength: 15min Bench Press (3RM, narrow grip) **Hands inside gnarling NOTES: Coach proper set up, for our purposes narrow grip will be hands inside of gnarling. WOD “Paranormal Activity” 12min AMRAP 1:00 DB Thrusters (35,25) 1:00 Box Jumps (30,24) 2:00 DB Thrusters 2:00 Box Jumps 3:00 DB Thrusters 3:00 Box Jumps […]

  • Monday 10.19.15 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility Barbell calf smash Warm up Runner’s lunge,pigeon stretch, ankle stretch, and dynamic warm up Skill Work Practice Kip Introduce pull up WOD Revisit the TEST! 1 mile run 1 min each push up air squat Kettle bell swing ***repeat twice ***2 minute rest between each round Midline 3 minute tabata- planks  

  • Sunday 10.18.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility General WOD Notes ***5min mandatory rest between workouts, Athletes will be on their own clock. Set out white boards. **40min total time cap **Score time of each individual workout WOD 1 “Ascending “Elizabeth”” 9-15-21 Cleans (135,95) Ring dips NOTES: A full squat is NOT required for Ascending Elizabeth. If not Rx, Athlete […]

  • 10.17.15 Box Brief

    I Gave Up Dairy. Here’s How It Changed My Life I finally decided that I’d rather feel good all the time than enjoy a few moments and suffer for days on end. by Rachael Roehmholdt Truth be told, I love cheese, butter, and pretty much anything made from dairy — but it doesn’t love me […]

  • 10.16.15 Box Brief

    New 2015 Winter Hoodies Preorder Now (limited availability) Email to reserve yours Pre-orders end 10.23.15 Sizes Available: $50 Preorder Price XS-8, S-8, M-8, L-8, XL-8, XXL-2

  • Friday 10.16.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility Day 16 Strength: 15min Shoulder Press (1RM from split position ) NOTES: How? From rack, step back and secure barbell in front rack position in jerk split position at a normal split depth. Make sure weight is balanced and foot position is secure. Take a big breath […]

  • 10.15.15 Box Brief

    Poor Diet Sinks U.S. in Health Rankings By Andréa Maria Cecil Researchers of a study that looked at U.S. health over 20 years were surprised to find diet played a dominant role in burden-of-disease risk, surpassing tobacco use. Andréa Maria Cecil reports. Americans are dying younger and living their later years with more diseases than […]