Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 10.15.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 15 Mobility Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Overhead Squat (6×3 w/ earthquake bar @ 25% + 25% hanging) NOTES: Insure that Athletes are working at a true 25% bar weight + 25% hanging, because it will be difficult to stable the weight overhead. Why? The addition […]

  • 10.14.15 Box Brief

    Lifestyle Challenge Week 1 Update Show Scroll down for scoreboard pictures

  • Wednesday 10.14.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Squat Clean (EMOM for 12min x1 @ 80%) NOTES:  Over the last 3 weeks we have completed high hang cleans to improve barbell speed and prevent early pulls. Today we will complete x1 heavy squat every min for 12 min. This is going to get heavy and […]

  • Wednesday 10.14.2015 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility runner stretches – hamstring -calf stretch -runner lunge holds Warm-up repeat 2 times 1 min wall balls 1 min rest Skill Review Back Squat 1 RM 10 lifts or less Metcon TO COMPETE: 400 meter run 21-15-9 push jerk knees to elbow ***between each set, complete 100 meter farmer’s carry  

  • Tuesday 10.13.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Mobility day 13 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Hang Power Clean (5×5 @ 70%, high hang) Complete Every 90sec. Hang Power Clean (5×5 @ 60%) **High hang NOTES:  Complete this as an EMOM, Every 90sec complete 1×5. Why? The high hang clean will be used over the next […]

  • Monday 10.12.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Box Squats (3RM) Box Squatting Benefits WOD: 10min “Grace” For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) NOTES: If not Rx Athletes should be able to complete 5 reps TNG $ Out Accumulate 4min in Side Planks **Rotate side as needed, only elbow and one foot […]

  • Monday 10.10.2015 Crossfit Teens

    Mobility Banded arm stretches Front rack across body shoulder pull Warm-up Heart Beat jumping lunges- 20 bear crawl- 25 meters jumping lunges- 20 bear crawl- 25 meters 2 sprints- 50 meters New Skill Bench Press 5X5 add weight each time Metcon Not so GRACEful 30 clean and jerks ***EMOM 2 burpees  

  • Sunday 10.11.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 10min Snatch (EMOM 5min x3 TNG + heavy) EMOM for 5min Complete 3 TNG @ 70%, then in 3 attempts build to a heavy **Score heavy NOTES: Set clock to count 1min intervals. TNG reps need to be under control, be aware of Athletes bouncing weights and […]

  • 10.10.15 Box Brief

    Researchers have discovered a surprisingly simple way to get kids to eat more veggies By Roberto A. Ferdman September 29 Washington Post – CLICK HERE (Greg Barnette/AP) It seems like an age-old problem — kids not eating their vegetables — and it is. Little ones, more interested in macaroni and cheese than sautéed spinach, are still leaving the […]

  • 10.9.15 Box Brief

    Why Spinning Won’t Get You The Body You Want  No one ever got a great butt by sitting on it Here’s why: 1. You will NOT see an increase in lean muscle mass. 2. You won’t experience a decrease in body fat. 3. Sitting on a bike for an hour isn’t doing your body any […]