Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 10.5.15 Crossfit Teens

     Mobility Shoulder Stretch hang from rig, partner gently pushes on lower back to open up shoulders Warm-up Heart Beat 15 mountain climbers 10 sit ups 30 mountain climbers 10 push ups 45 mountain climbers 10 squats Gymnastics Introduce Kip practice knees to elbows Metcon 4 rounds 1 rope climb 10 thrusters 15 calorie row 30 […]

  • 10.4.15 Box Brief

    Nutrition Lecture Part 2: Optimizing Performance Part 2 of Coach Glassman’s discussion of nutrition addresses the refined dietary needs of athletes and what’s required to optimize your performance. If you want elite physical output, you must be precise about your intake. “Close enough” won’t cut it–or as Coach Glassman more colorfully puts it, “If you […]

  • Sunday 10.4.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 4 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Explosive Strength: 12min Depth Jump for max height (Score highest jump in inches ) Step off box at knee height **Max height or step off 30″ NOTES: WOD: 25min “The Living Daylights” 50 Push Press (95,65) 50 T2B 50 Front Squats (95,65) […]

  • 10.3.15 Box Brief

    Nutrition Lecture Part 1: Avoiding Disease Nutrition can be a touchy topic, like politics or religion, that people take very personally, but good nutrition is the foundation not only for general health but also for high-performance fitness. Much of the public information about diet, particularly the emphasis on low fat and high carbs, has resulted […]

  • Saturday 10.3.15 WOD NOTES

    Mobility: 5min Lifestyle Challenge – Day 3 Mobility Dynamic Warm Up: 5min WOD: 25min time cap “For Your Eyes Only” 50-40-30-20-10 Bench Press (95,65) Row for Cals KB Swings (55,35) **25min time cap NOTES: Stagger partners on different movements. Weights should not be challenging. Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min $ Out Have a great weekend!

  • 10.2.15 Box Brief

    Calories In, Calories Out-Dated By Andréa Maria Cecil September 30, 2015 Researchers say traditional weight-loss guidelines obscure the effects of calories from different sources. It’s a law of thermodynamics: A calorie in equals a calorie out. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. In other words: Calories don’t disappear. The idea is that as long as […]

  • Friday 10.2.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Lower Mobility: 5min NOTES: Day 2 of Dr. Stu’s Lifestyle Challenge Mobility. Dynamic Warm up: 5min Strength: 15min Hang Clean (2RM – Hang Squat Clean) **complete as EMOM Warm Up: Min 0-5, Every 60sec Build: Min 5+, Every 90 sec. NOTES: Work as EMOM. Count clock up so that you can schedule out 60sec […]

  • 10.1.15 Box Brief

    Lifestyle Challenge Starts Today! Haven’t signed? Its not to late…. Write your name on the whiteboard at the box.  

  • Thursday 10.1.15 WOD NOTES

    Announcement Lifestyle Challenge Starts today! Click Here for more details Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 5min Over the next 30 days the Athletes will receive 2 points per day for completing the mobility listed. Athletes will receive the points for completing with class or on their own. Dr. Stu has gone to great lengths to shoot […]

  • 9.30.15 Box Brief

    Lifestyle Challenge Which nutritional plan is right for you?