Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 9.30.15 WOD NOTES

     Explosive Strength Mobility: 8min 4min Shoulder prep + 4min Hip Prep, Coaches choice Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Snatch Complex (Build to a heavy in 5 rounds) **Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch NOTES: Complete this as an EMOM. Set the clock to count 2min intervals. Let the Athletes warm up for the […]

  • Wednesday 9.30.15 Teens

    Mobility Foam roll Lower back Hamstring Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up New Skill BACK SQUAT!!! Special Strength Back Squat Clean the bar 5X5 WOD Annie said what?! 50-40-30-20-10 Single unders sit ups Midline Wasn’t all those sit ups enough!?  

  • 9.29.15 Box Brief

    Free Food! CrossFit Main Line – Ardmore Tuesday 9.29.15 5 – 7pm  CrossFit Main Line – Wayne Wednesday 9.30.13  5-7pm Join Fresh Meal Plan at the Box to test out their meals before the Lifestyle Challenge begins. Not sure what nutrition plan works best for you? Paleo/Primal Whole 30 Macros Counting Fresh Meal Plan has […]

  • Tuesday 9.29.15 WOD NOTES

    Announcements • Lifestyle Challenge Starts October 1 • Nutrition Seminar 10.10.15 Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 4min 2min each side 0:00 – 1:20 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back Squat (6×3 @ 55% Tempo 2-1-1-0) 2sec. decent 1sec. pause 1sec. accent No pause at the top NOTES: Why? • Improve body awareness and control through the lift […]

  • Monday 9.28.15 Teens

    Mobility Hamstring stretches Toes touch sitting Toe touch standing Warm-up “Heart Beat” 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Lunges 20 Squats **Rinse and Repeat New Skill Handstands Stinkbugs New Skill Deadlift 3RM **Complete in 5 attempts or less WOD “Cry for Di!” 21-15-9 Deadlifts HSPU/stinkbugs Midline Accumulate 3 minutes hollow rock and superman  

  • Monday 9.28.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 6min 3min each side coaches choice banded overhead distractions Dynamic Warm Up: 5min After dynamic warm up have Athletes partner up and grab a barbell and x2 Kbs for below sequence. Warm Up Sequence: (multiple reps of each) behind the neck, front rack, Kbs Strength Shoulder Press (4 x Max Reps (75,55)) […]

  • Sunday 9.27.15 WOD Notes

    Announcements Encourage Athletes to sign up for the Lifestyle Challenge Explosive Strength Mobility: 6min Coaches Choice. Think about the movements in todays WOD and the Strength……. Dynamic Warm up: 5min Strength: 15min Hang Snatch (2RM) NOTES: Athletes need to first stand to full extension and then load their hamstrings by lowering the barbell to the hang […]

  • Friday 9.25.15 WOD NOTES

    Max Effort Upper Mobility: 8min 4min squat test + 4min front rack mobility, Coaches choice. Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Cluster (1RM – Squat Clean Thruster) NOTES: Run as EMOM. Athletes will take the first 5-7min to warm up and the latter 5-7min to make weight jumps. Make sure that athletes are not completing a […]

  • Thursday 9.24.15 WOD NOTES

    Dynamic Effort Lower Mobility: 4min 2min each side 0:00 – 1:20 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Back Squat (6×3 @ 50% Tempo 2-1-1-0) 2sec. decent 1sec. pause 1sec. accent No pause at the top NOTES: Why? • Improve body awareness and control through the lift • Development of the connective tissues • Improve stability […]

  • Thursday 9.24.15 Crossfit preteens

    Warm-up Agility Ladder work Dynamic warm up New Skill Presses Strict press push press Special Strength Strict press 3X3 Push press 5X5 Metcon Why Fran, Why!? 21-15-9 Ring Rows dumbbell thrusters Midline Med Ball Partner Sit ups 3X20