Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 9.10.15 Competitor WOD

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Saturday Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Clean (5,5,3,3,2,2,1,1@ 70% 1RM) **These reps are not TNG, reset each at the bottom of each rep. **Perform as EMOM Strength Shoulder Press (1×8 @ 70% + micro band tensnion ) WOD “Ring Row Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters (95,65) Elevated Strict […]

  • Wednesday 9.9.15 Competitor WOD

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Saturday Explosive Strength/Oly Variation Strength Clean (12×1 Squat Clean @ 50% + micro band (orange) Strength Snatch (12×1 @ 70% with 30sec. rest) WOD “Tequila Sunrise” 10 Rounds 200m Run 3 C2B (evens) 3 Bar Muscle Ups (odds) 30 Dubs (50 singles) **Modify Bar MUs with […]

  • 9.9.15 WOD NOTES

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday Explosive Strength Mobility: 4min 2min each side, Coaches choice, foam roll or LAX calves Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Skill Work 5 rounds 30sec. Max Dubs 1min. Rest **1 burpee penalty for every rep difference from best to worst set **Score total number of […]

  • Wednesday 9.9.15 CrossFit Teens

    Mobility Focus on leg stretch Extended runners’ lunge hold pigeon hold ankle stretch hamstring stretch Warm-up Jog 3 times- faster each round frankensteins – scales walking lunges – bunny hops bound – broad jump Skill Review Introduce and review squat Rope climbs Metcon 21-15-9 Squats push ups sit ups after each round perform the following […]

  • Tuesday 9.8.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Box Squats (6×3 @ 75% narrow stance) **Oly receiving stance Strength Back Squat (1×8 @ 60% + micro band tensnion ) WOD Happy 27th Birthday Danielle Siravo 27 K2E 27 Squat Snatches (95,65) 27 K2E 27 Hang Cleans (95,65) 27 K2E 27 Back Squats (95,65) 27 K2E Special Strength 3×10 Good Mornings Special […]

  • 9.8.15 WOD NOTES

    No Max Effort this week, prepare for ‘The CrossFit Total” on Sunday Mobility: 5min We will repeat this mobility for the next 3 weeks on DE Lower and ME Lower Days 1:15 – 2:37 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min Strength: 15min Box Squats (6×3 @ 75% , narrow stance) **narrow stance = oly receiving stance NOTES: Why? […]

  • 9.6.15 Box Brief

    Labor Day Schedule It officially a tradition! Join us Labor Day Monday for our annual WODing of the “Lumberjack 20” Monday 9.7.15 8:30am & 9:30am **babysitting available at both times **NO Max Effort this week, “CrossFit Total” Sunday 9.13.15 (don’t miss it!)**

  • Monday 9.7.15 Competitor WOD

    **NO Max Effort this week, “CrossFit Total” Saturday 9.13.15 (don’t miss it!)** WOD “Lumberjack 20” 20 Deadlifts (275,165) Run 400m 20 Kettlebell swings (70,55) Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats, (115,75) Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 20 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups Run 400m 20 Box Jumps (24,20) Run 400m 20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (45,25) Run 400m Special […]

  • 9.6.15 Box Brief

     Labor Day Schedule Sunday 9.6.15 No Barbell Club Monday 9.7.15 8:30am & 9:30am **babysitting available at both times _______________________________   “How can I transform my body?” On episode 187 of Barbell Shrugged, we introduced you to fitness legend and body transformation expert, Bill Phillips. Today, Bill is back on the DAILY with some amazing advice for those looking to […]

  • 9.6.15 WOD NOTES

    Explosive Strength Mobility: 6min 0:00 – 1:30 Dynamic Warm Up: 5min + Plyo Push Up Progressions Strength: 12min Plyo Push Ups (Score max height) max height, or 3x max deficit pushups NOTES: Refer to video for Why? & How? Athletes will start with hands on floor, between a stack of plates. At full lock out […]