Protected: 8.4.15 WOD NOTES
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8.4.15 Box Brief
Pan Am Medal Count Well, the XVII Pan American Games are now history. Held the third year of each Olympiad, these are essentially the Olympics of the Western Hemisphere. The 2015 edition, held in the city of Toronto and environs, was Canada’s third hosting of the event. With the exception of Canada, the USA, and a few smaller […]
Monday 8.3.15 On-Ramp
@CFML On-Ramp Class #3 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Shoulder (strict) Press Push Press Push & Split Jerk Thruster & Wall Ball W.O.D.: “Flashdance” 21-15-9-6-3 Wall Balls Pull Ups Row for Calories
Monday 8.3.15 Competitor WOD
Max Effort Upper Strength Split Jerk (3RM) WOD “Anti-Venom” In 15min Complete 15 Thrusters (135,95) 30 Burpees Over Bar 60 Ab Mat Sit Ups 120 Dubs (x2) **Score time Strength Bench Press (5RM + Micro Band (orange)) Special Strength 5 x Max Reps weighted Dips **Use parallel bars **Wear vest (20,14) or use DBs Special Strength 3×12 […]
Protected: Monday 8.3.15 WOD NOTES
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Monday 8.3.15 Barbell Club
@CFR5 A1: High Hang Clean (3×3) A2: Goblet Squat (3×5) B: Hang Clean and Jerk (1×80, 1×83, 1×85, 2x1x85+) Every 2:30 C: Front Squat (3x2x88) D1: RDL (Romanian Deadlift) (3x5x90) D2: Row (3×6-8)
Sunday 8.2.15 Competitor WOD
Rest Day
Protected: 8.2.15 WOD NOTES
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Saturday 8.1.15 Competitor WOD
Strength Muscle Snatch (5RM) Strength Snatch Pull (5×5, build across) WOD “CrossFit Wedding WOD” There are only a few ways to get to a CrossFit Wedding: RUN, ROW or JUMP 1. Run 800m, Row 800m, or 160 DU’s (x3) You know you will hear some wedding BELLS 2. 100 kettle BELL swings (55,35) And after the RINGS are exchanged […]
Friday 7.31.15 Competitor WOD
Max Effort Upper Strength Hang Power Clean (3RM) WOD “Gangnam Style” 12min AMRAP 25 Clean and Jerks (135,95) 25 Burpees 25 Push Ups 50 AbMat Sit Ups 25 Pushups 25 Burpees 25 Clean and Jerks (135,95) **Score total reps Special Strength 6×3 Behind the neck strict press against micro band Special Strength A. 4×12 DB upright […]