Category: Uncategorized

  • Protected: 7.29.15 WOD NOTES

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  • Tuesday 7.28.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? What makes our CrossFit Different? New Skill: Air Squat Deadlift Rope Climbs Double Unders W.O.D.: “Goonies” 15min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 5 Deadlifts 200m Row or Run

  • Tuesday 7.28.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Jerk (6×3 @ 75% 1RM w/ 3sec. pause) WOD “Achy Breaky Heart” 8 Rounds 30sec. Max Russian KB Swings (55,35) 30sec. Max Wall Balls (20,14) 30sec rest **Score total reps Special Strength 5×5 Muscle Snatch **Build across Special Strength 4×15 Banded Low Rows **Seated on the ground, Suspend a pvc inside […]

  • Tuesday 7.28.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: Tall Snatch + OHS (3×3+3) B: Hang Snatch (2×80, 2×83, 2×85, 2x1x85+) Every 2:30 C: Back Squat (4x4x83) D: Power Clean + Push Press (3×1+5)

  • Protected: 7.28.15 WOD NOTES

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  • Monday 7.27.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? What makes our CrossFit Different? New Skill: Air Squat Deadlift Rope Climbs Double Unders W.O.D.: “Goonies” 15min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 5 Deadlifts 200m Row or Run

  • Monday 7.27.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Box Squats (3RM Narrow Stance, below parallel ) WOD “The Humpty Hump” 7min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (135,95) 5 C2B –3min Rest– 7min AMRAP 10 Back Squats (135,95) 5 C2B **Back Squats from the ground Special Strength 8RM GHD Back Extension + Snatch Grip DL Midline 50 Barbell Side Bends w/ 2sec. […]

  • Monday 7.27.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A1: High Hang Clean (3×3) A2: Goblet Squat (3×5) B: Hang Clean and Jerk (2×80, 2×83, 2x1x85) Every 2:30 C: Front Squat (3x2x85) D1: RDL (Romanian Deadlift) (3x5x88) D2: Row (3×6-8)

  • Protected: Monday 7.27.15 WOD NOTES

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  • Protected: Sunday 7.26.15 WOD NOTES

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