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  • Protected: 7.23.15 WOD NOTES

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  • Wednesday 7.22.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #4 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Snatch Overhead Squat KB Swings Nutrition & Paleo W.O.D.: “Weekend at Bernie’s” 15min AMRAP 5 Power Snatches 10 Overhead Squats 15 Box Jumps

  • Wednesday 7.22.15 Competitor WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength 3 Position Snatch (EMOM for 10min, build across) **3 position snatch; ground, hang, high hang **Score heaviest successful weight Special Strength Snatch Balance 3×5, build to a moderate weight **from the rack WOD “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts” 3 Rounds 12 Pull Ups 21 DB GTOH (60,45) 400m Run **20min time cap Midline 100 […]

  • Wednesday 7.22.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A: Tall Snatch + OHS (3×3+3) B: Hang Snatch (3×80, 3×83, 2x2x85) Every 2:30 C: Back Squat (4x4x80) D: Power Clean + Push Press (3×1+5)  

  • 7.21.15 Box Brief

    Get Stronger and Stay Honest With Pause Reps Robert Camacho Contributor – Strength and Conditioning, Injury Prevention and Rehab Pausing at the bottom of the repetition allows the elastic energy to dissipate while simultaneously breaking your momentum. There is no stored energy to take advantage of, no kinetic energy to roll with. When you pause, all you’ve […]

  • Tuesday 7.21.15 On-Ramp

    @CFMR5 On-Ramp Class #3 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Shoulder (strict) Press Push Press Push & Split Jerk Thruster & Wall Ball W.O.D.: “Flashdance” 21-15-9-6-3 Wall Balls Pull Ups Row for Calories

  • Tuesday 7.21.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (6×3 @ 70% 1RM, w/ 3sec. pause in bottom) WOD Happy 40th Birthday Shannon Sofield Happy 37th Birthday Jenn Sofield Happy 3rd Anniversary Shannon & Jenn! 40 Dubs (x3) 37 K2E 40 Lunges, front racked (185,115)(L+R=2) 37 Front Squats (185,115) 40 K2E 37 Dubs **20min time cap Special Strength 3×10 […]

  • Tuesday 7.21.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: Tall Snatch + OHS (3×3+3) B: Hang Snatch (3×80, 3×83, 2x2x85) Every 2:30 C: Back Squat (4x4x80) D: Power Clean + Push Press (3×1+5)  

  • Monday 7.20.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #3 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Shoulder (strict) Press Push Press Push & Split Jerk Thruster & Wall Ball W.O.D.: “Flashdance” 21-15-9-6-3 Wall Balls Pull Ups Row for Calories

  • Monday 7.20.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Floor Press (3 x Max Reps in 1min @ 50% 1RM) **Score lowest round **Everyone will go at the same time, 3min rest in between each round WOD “Downward Spiral” 3x 5min AMRAPS 3 Hang Power Snatches (95,65) 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats **2min rest between each round **Score lowest round […]