Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 6.25.15 On-Ramp

    Wayne - Snatch Prep

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #4 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Snatch Overhead Squat KB Swings Nutrition & Paleo W.O.D.: “Weekend at Bernie’s” 15min AMRAP 5 Power Snatches 10 Overhead Squats 15 Box Jumps

  • Thursday 6.25.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Snatch Balance + OHS (1RM) WOD “Mona Lisa” 10-1 Box Jumps (30,24) 1-10 TTB Special Strength 3RM Deadlift, lightened method **use blue bands Westside Barbell – Lightened Method  Special Strength 4×6 Glute Ham Raise, hand behind head Midline 4min Superman/HollowRock static holds Finisher/Recovery 50 each side Reverse Hyper glue partials

  • Thursday 6.25.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: Hang Snatch (3x2x80-85, 3x1x83-88) Every 2:00 B: Hang Clean and Jerk (3x2x80-85, 3x1x83-88) Every 2:00 C: Overhead Squat (3×3) D: Clean Pull (3x2x100) pause at knee  

  • 6.24.15 Box Brief

    TO DAIRY, OR NOT TO DAIRY? Author – Matthew Kadey MS RD That is the question among the many CrossFitters who are card-carrying members of the Paleo nutrition community. But there are many reasons why dairy can be the not-quite-so-Paleo power food…….. – See more at: The Box Magazine – Click Here    

  • Wednesday 6.24.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #4 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Snatch Overhead Squat KB Swings Nutrition & Paleo W.O.D.: “Weekend at Bernie’s” 15min AMRAP 5 Power Snatches 10 Overhead Squats 15 Box Jumps

  • Wednesday 6.24.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Shoulder Press (6×3 @ 65% with wide grip) WOD “The Starry Night” 12min AMRAP 6 Rope Climbs 9 Thrusters (115,75) 9 Rope Climbs 15 Thrusters 12 Rope Climbs 21 Thrusters **1-1 Rope Climb Modification Special Strength 6×3 Floor Press @ 70% 1RM Special Strength 3×12 DB Upright Rows Midline 6x20sec. Sit Up […]

  • Wednesday 6.24.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A: Muscle Snatch + OHS (3×3+1) B: Power Snatch (6x1x80-85) Every 1:30 C: Power Clean and Jerk (6x1x80-85) Every 2:00 D: Back Squat (5x3x92 of 3RM)

  • 6.23.15 Box Brief

    Custom Fit Meals Partners with Fresh Meal Plan Get ready for an incredible new experience! Custom Fit Meals is excited to announce a national partnership with the largest fresh meal provider in the country, Fresh Meal Plan (FMP). This partnership now offers you over 200 NEW MENU items including Paleo, Traditional, Vegetarian, Pro-Preferred, Contest Prep […]

  • Tuesday 6.23.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #3 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Shoulder (strict) Press Push Press Push & Split Jerk Thruster & Wall Ball W.O.D.: “Flashdance” 21-15-9-6-3 Wall Balls Pull Ups Row for Calories

  • Tuesday 6.23.15 Competitor WOD

    Skill Work 10min HS Walk Practice Strength Snatch Complex (EMOM for 8 min Snatch + OHS) Strength Snatch Pull (5×3 @ 80-90% 1RM) WOD “Mr. America” Every 2min for 20min 3 HSPU to a 2″ deficit 5 Power Snatches (115,75) 7 Burpees **Score time difference between fastest and slowest time. Ex. Fastest time 1:12, slowest time 1:45. […]