Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 5.7.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #2 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Squat Clean Front Squat Kipping Pull Up Sit Up W.O.D.: “Wayne’s World” 21-15-9 Power Cleans Front Squats Sit Ups

  • Thursday 5.7.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper (Speed Day) Strength Bent Over Row (12×2 @ 80% 1RM) Strength Pull-ups (12×2 banded – strict – kipping) WOD “Chewbacca” 50-40-30-20-10 Russian KB Swings (55,35) ABMat Sit Ups Dubs (x3) **20min time cap Special Strength Strict Press @55% – 30 Reps 2 Minutes Rest Strict Press @65% – 20 Reps 2 Minutes Rest Strict Press […]

  • Thursday 5.6.2015 Crossfit kids

    Warm-up mobility- Lax ball spine roll out Dynamic warm up Accessory- 6×6 box dips Gymnastics Jump rope double unders Special Strength Back squat 1 RM- 10 lifts or less Metcon 21-15-9 Hand stand push ups/wall walks deadlifts  

  • Thursday 5.7.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML a: High-Hang Clean + Clean (8×2+1) @50/60/70… 8 sets total b: Front Squat (3×3) @83-85 3 sec pause on first rep c1: Snatch Push Press + OHS (4×4+1) Same weight as last week. 3 sec hold in OHS. c2: RDL (Romanian Deadlift) (3×8) Increase weight this week.

  • 5.6.15 Box Brief

    Main Line Barbell Club Class Cap Update Starting 5.12.15 Main Line Barbell Club will be capped at 8 Athletes per weekday class to insure proper exposure to Coaching. You will need to register for each 4 week block. To reserve your space email with the time and location that fits your schedule. Click Here – […]

  • Wednesday 5.6.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #2 Skill Review: Air Squat New Skill: Squat Clean Front Squat Kipping Pull Up Sit Up W.O.D.: “Wayne’s World” 21-15-9 Power Cleans Front Squats Sit Ups

  • Wednesday 5.6.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Snatch Grip Deadlift (1RM – limit to 10 reps after warming up) WOD “Tik Tok” 4 Rounds 400m Run 12 TTB 9 Deadlifts (105, 75) 6 Hang Squat Cleans (105, 75) **1min rest between each round **25min time cap Special Strength 6×3 Anderson Back Squats **Build to a heavy Special Strength 3×10 […]

  • Wednesday 5.6.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A: High-Hang Snatch (8×2) @50/60/70/75… 8 sets total B: Back Squat (5×5) @78-80 (increase from last week) 3 sec hold on first rep C1: Shoulder Press (3×8) Use same weight from last week if did not get 3×8. Otherwise, increase weight. C2: Front Rack Lunge (3×10) Increase weight from last week.

  • 5.5.15 Box Brief

      It seems as if the weather has officially turned and Spring has sprung while the Main Line CrossFit Boxes are heating up – good thing that we have air conditioning and aren’t afraid to use it! Leading up to the Memorial Day weekend we have a lot going on. Close to 100 Main Line […]

  • Tuesday 5.5.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? What makes our CrossFit Different? New Skill: Air Squat Deadlift Rope Climbs Double Unders W.O.D.: “Goonies” 15min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 5 Deadlifts 200m Row or Run