Category: Uncategorized

  • Tuesday 4.21.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bent Over Row (6×3 @ 75% 1RM) **Superset bent over rows with pull ups Strength Pull-ups (6×3 banded – strict – kipping) WOD “Surfin’ Bird” 12min AMRAP 3 Power Snatches (115,65) 10 Wall Balls (20,14) Special Strength 5×5 Bench Press @ 40% + mirco band tension **red band Special Strength 4×12 Banded Seated […]

  • Tuesday 4.21.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: High-Hang Snatch (3/3/2/2/2/2) @50/60/70/70+/70+/70+ 2 sec hold in bottom on last rep If 70 is sharp, you may go up. The goal is good technique & no misses.  No extra attempts if you miss, 6 sets total. B: Back Squat (5×5) @73-75 (increase from last week) 3 sec hold on first rep C1: Shoulder Press (4×6) Use highest weight […]

  • Tuesday 4.21.2015 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up Mobility- couch stretch- 1 min on each leg Dynamic- run Accessory- 10 jumping lunges 10 weighted lunges Gymnastics 3 rounds 10 push ups 10 squats 10 sit ups Weightlifting Introduce and perform bench press 6×3 add weight each round Metcon 8 Minute AMRAP 10 front Squats 30 single unders/15 dubs 10 jumping pull ups […]

  • 4.20.15 Box Brief #2

    Post 2 of 4 Nearly 24 months ago we posted the attached image to the Main Line CrossFit community to announce, CrossFit R5s arrival to the Main Line CrossFit community. This year we post….. ***stay tuned for post 3 of 4, 7pm Monday 4.20.15***

  • 4.20.15 Box Brief

    Post 1 of 4 Nearly 24 months ago we posted the attached image to the Main Line CrossFit community…….. ***stay tuned for post 2 of 4, 10am Monday 4.20.15***

  • Monday 4.20.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #3 Skill Review: Standing Press Push Press Push/Split Jerk Box Jumps New Skill: MB/Barbell Clean Font Squat Rower Mechanics Double Unders W.O.D.: 3 RDS 200m Run 10 Squat Cleans 20 Dubs (60 singles)

  • Monday 4.20.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (3RM) WOD “Burpee Badger V2” (aka. The Torture Chamber) 6x 90sec. AMRAPs 10 Hang Cleans (85,55) 5 Thrusters (85,55) Max Burpee Plate Hops 2min Rest **Score each round of burpees **You must reach full extension on the plate Special Strength 4×10 Bent Knee Good Morning **perform in partial squat position […]

  • Monday 4.20.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 a: High-Hang Clean + Clean (6×2+1) @50/60/70/70/70/70 b: Front Squat (3×3) @80/80/80 c1: Snatch Push Press + OHS (4×3+1) (may substitute push press) c2: RDL (Romanian Deadlift) (4×6)

  • Sunday 4.19.15 Competitor WOD

  • Saturday 3.8.15 Competitor WOD

    Strength Cluster (2RM) WOD “White” 5 Rounds for time of: 3 Rope Climbs, 15′ 10 Toes-To-Bar 21 Walking Lunge Steps (45# plate overhead) 400m run In honor of U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ashley White, 24, of Alliance, Ohio, died on October 22, 2011 To learn more about White click here **Partner Up or Complete Solo **35min time cap […]