Category: Uncategorized

  • 2.6.15 Box Brief

      February 2015 Newsletter View this email in your browser   The CrossFit Season is upon us! February 26th kicks off the first of five workouts announced in the 2015 CrossFit Open. More than 300,000+ CrossFitters worldwide will toss their names into the hat and test their fitness. This year CrossFit has introduced both a ‘scaled’ […]

  • Friday 2.6.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Bench Press (3RM – normal grip) WOD Happy 47th Birthday Michal! 21-15-11 Split Snatches (95,65,75,55) Up Downs Shoot Throughs **20min time cap Special Strength 4×15 Chest Supported Rows Special Strength 3×12 inverted barbell rows, not banded Abs/Core 3 Rounds 20 V-Ups 20 Superman Finisher/Recovery 4×15 Reverse Hypers Glute Partials […]

  • 2.5.15 Box Brief

    A couple BIG milestones, congratulations due! CFML & R5 Athletes Russell Karten and Lisa Hermanovich – Congrats on overcoming a tough year. Looking forward to a 2015, full of comebacks and PRs! Restaurant Gets Hate Emails From ‘CrossFit People’ for Trying to Go Vegan [….]But business dropped off as regulars, especially those who had grown accustomed to […]

  • Thursday 2.5.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #6 Skill Review: Thrusters Overhead Squats Walking Lunges Butterfly Sit Ups New Skill: SDHP Snatch Paleo & CrossFit? (after WOD) W.O.D.: 10min AMRAP: -5 Snatches -10 Lunges (L+R=2) -100m Run

  • Thursday 2.5.15 Crossfit Kids

    Thursday 2.5.15 Crossfit Kids Warm-up Med ball, toss and run dynamic warm up Weightlifting Front squat 10 reps or less to 1 RM COACH loaded bar Gymnastics Bar work Kipping Toes to Bar Knee ups Metcon Partner Throwdown5 MIN AMRAP 200 m row 8 sit ups 2 min rest 3 min AMRAP 150 m row […]

  • Thursday 2.5.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Clean (8×2 @ 80% 1RM) **This is a squat clean WOD “The Come Back” 15min AMRAP 60 Calorie Row 50 MB Sit Ups (20,14) 40 Box Jumps (24,20) 30 Back Racked Lunges (95,65)(L+R=2) 20 Power Cleans (95,65) 10 Muscle Ups (bar or ring) **1MU = 3 Pull Ups + 3 Push Ups […]

  • Thursday 2.5.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: Hang Clean and Jerk (8×1) Hang Clean + Jerk 25 min MAX B: Clean Pull (5×2) EMOM – short rest! Start at heaviest weight for 2 position clean + jerk. Increase weight each set. No more than 120% of best clean. C: Snatch Balance + OHS (8×1+2) 1 Snatch Balance + 2 OHS 20 min MAX  

  • 2.4.15 Box Brief

    How Bradley Cooper Became My CrossFit Inspiration By our very own Lauren Napolitano, Psy.D. Read more here I joined CrossFit in August 2014. I love the classes, and the community is phenomenal. In many ways, it feels like a co-ed fraternity. Everyone is friendly and laughing all of the time. It’s the most fun I’ve ever […]

  • Wednesday 2.4.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #6 Skill Review: Thrusters Overhead Squats Walking Lunges Butterfly Sit Ups New Skill: SDHP Snatch Paleo & CrossFit? (after WOD) W.O.D.: 10min AMRAP: -5 Snatches -10 Lunges (L+R=2) -100m Run

  • Wednesday 2.4.15 Competitor WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength 3 Position Snatch (EMOM for 12min @ 60% Hang Snatch) **High Hang + Hang + Ground **Full Squat Snatch WOD “Infinite” 8 Rounds 8 Thrusters (95,65) 8 T2B **20min cap Abs/Core 4 x 30sec. GHD PVC Paddeling Finisher/Recovery 6 x 200 Row Sprints