Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 1.21.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A: 3 Position Snatch (8×3) Upper Thigh/Knee/Floor 25 min cap B1: Front Squat (5x3x75) 3-5 warmup sets, then 5x3x75 25 min B2: Power Clean and Jerk (6×1+3) 1 Power Clean + 3 Jerks Superset with front squat

  • Tuesday 1.20.15 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up 2 times 1 min push ups 1 min squat holds 1 min broad jumps 1 min walking lunges Gymnastics Handstand holds Pull ups- jumping x 10 Weightlifting Push Press 5×5 Review-front squat Metcon 8 min AMRAP 5 handstand walks 5 cleans 5 front squat 5 push press 5 wall balls Cool Down Yoga stretch […]

  • Tuesday 1.20.15 On-Ramp

    @CFR5 On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? CrossFit Lingo Mobility Dynamic Warm up Bergener Warm Up New Skill: Squat Dead Lift Push Ups W.O.D.: 21-15-12-9 Air Squats Push Ups 100m Run

  • Tuesday 1.20.15 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength/Skill: PVC Jump (**Score total height in inches) PVC ontop of box max height. W/ walk in WOD “CrossFit Games Open 11.2” 15-Minute AMRAP of: 9 Deadlifts, 155# / 100# 12 Push-ups 15 Box Jumps, 24″ / 20″ Special Strength 3×8 Bulgarian Split Squat w/ DBs Special Strength 3×10 Glute Ham Raise […]

  • Tuesday 1.20.15 Barbell Club

    @CFML A: 3 Position Snatch (8×3) Upper Thigh/Knee/Floor 25 min cap B1: Front Squat (5x3x75) 3-5 warmup sets, then 5x3x75 25 min B2: Power Clean and Jerk (6×1+3) 1 Power Clean + 3 Jerks Superset with front squat  

  • Monday 1.19.15 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up 2 times 1 min push ups 1 min squat holds 1 min broad jumps 1 min walking lunges Gymnastics Handstand holds Pull up- working on negatives Weightlifting Push Press 5×5 Review-front squat Metcon 8 min AMRAP 5 handstand walks 5 cleans 5 front squat 5 push press 5 sit ups Cool Down Yoga stretch […]

  • 1.19.15 Box Brief

    MLK Day Schedule CrossFit Main Line and CrossFit R5 will be holding a regular schedule tomorrow with babysitting at 9:30am and 4:30pm. Fire Fighter Throwdown Auction A BIG thank you to everyone that attended Saturday nights happy hour and auction. Thanks to your generous bids we collected more than enough money to help Coach Ryan […]

  • Monday 1.19.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #1 Intro: What is CrossFit? CrossFit Lingo Mobility Dynamic Warm up Bergener Warm Up New Skill: Squat Dead Lift Push Ups W.O.D.: 21-15-12-9 Air Squats Push Ups 100m Run  

  • Monday 1.19.15 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Jerk (6×3 @ 75% 1RM) WOD “Satanic Panic” 3 Rounds 250m Row 10 KB Snatches, alternating (55,35) 20 Wall Balls, unbroken (20,14) –5min rest– 21-15-9 Hang Squat Cleans (95,65) T2B **Score time of each workout Special Strength 4×12 Straight-legged GHD Snatch Grip Deadlift Special Strength 3 x max reps attempt […]

  • Monday 1.19.15 Barbell Club

    @CFR5 A: Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch (6×1) from hang (knee), build over 6 sets B: Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (8×1) Build to a peak, start at roughly 50%, make 10% jumps, then 5% jumps as you approach peak C1: Back Extensions (4×10) 15 sec hold after last rep of each set