Category: Uncategorized

  • Tuesday 1.13.14 Barbell Club

    @CFML -: Goblet Squat (3×3) 5 sec negative, 5 sec in bottom position Superset with first 3 sets of snatch, not max effort A: Pause Snatch (1×1) 1 set every 2:00 12 sets total, build to peak single Start at roughly 40-50% of snatch, make 7-10% jumps until 70-80%, then 3-5% jumps until peak B: Halting Snatch Deadlift (4×3) 5 sec […]

  • Monday 1.12.15 On-Ramp

    @CFML On-Ramp Class #5 Skill Review: Kipping Pull Ups KB Swings Wall Balls New Skill: Thrusters Overhead Squats Walking Lunges Butterfly Sit Ups W.O.D.: 21-15-9 -Walking Lunges (L+R=2) -Butterfly Sit Ups -Thrusters  

  • Monday 1.12.14 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (3RM) WOD “Christine” 3 Rounds for time: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts, bodyweight 21 Box Jumps, 20″ Special Strength 3×15 Walking Good Mornings Special Strength 3×8 Each Leg Single Legged Barbell Hip Bridge Abs/Core 4min Superman hold for max time Complete 20 sit ups every time you break Finisher/Recovery […]

  • Monday 1.12.15 Barbell Club

    A: Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (8×1) Build to a peak, start at roughly 50%, make 10% jumps, then 5% jumps as you approach peak B1: Back Extensions (4×10) 15 sec hold after last rep of each set B2: Snatch High Pull (4×5-8) from high hang, light  

  • Monday 1.12.15 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up Bar hops- Slow-most, fast-least Squat jumps, bear crawl, inch worms Skill Review Push up review- Mechanics- chest to ground, arms in, legs not touching 2 minute Push up capacity Weightlifting Review- Med Ball clean Review deadlift Metcon 10 Air Squats 20 deadlifts 30 Bar Hops 40 Sit Ups 30 Bar Hops 20 Deadlifts 10 […]

  • Sunday 1.11.14 Competitor WOD

  • Saturday 1.9.15 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up Animal Crackers cat stretch, camel stretch, bear crawl, seal drag, crab walk, frog hop FREEZE TAG Game Crossfit baseball Home- 5 squats lunge to 1st base 1st base- 5 burpee hop to second base 2nd base- 5 sit ups bear crawl to 3rd base 3rd base- 5 box jumps forward roll to home! Home- […]

  • Saturday 1.9.15 Crossfit Kids

    Warm-up Animal Crackers cat stretch, camel stretch, bear crawl, seal drag, crab walk, frog hop FREEZE TAG Game Crossfit baseball Home- 2 squats lunge to 1st base 1st base- 1 burpee hop to second base 2nd base- 2 sit ups bear crawl to 3rd base 3rd base- 3 box jumps forward roll to home! Home- […]

  • Saturday 1.10.14 Box Brief

    7 Simple Exercises That Undo the Damage of Sitting If you’re like most men living and working in a techno-service economy, you probably spend a good deal of your day sitting down. You go from the kitchen table to your desk at work to your chair in front of the TV. But as we’ve discussed before, […]

  • Saturday 1.10.14 Competitor WOD

    Strength Snatch Blocks (1RM, bar below knee height) WOD “The Donger” Teams of 3 EMOM for 24min 1. 2 Rope Climbs 2. 25 MB Sit Ups (14,10) 3. Max Calorie Row **Score total calories rowed for your team