Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 12.1.14 On-Ramp

    On-Ramp  Class #1 6:30pm @ CFML Skill Review Dynamic Warm Up Bergener Warm Up New Skill: Squat Up Right Row Push Up Complete Rounds Of: 15-12-9 200m Run Squat (45,15) Push Ups Up Right Row (45,15)  

  • Monday 12.1.14 Competitor WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength 1RM Snatch Grip Deadlift WOD “Hair of the Dog” 12min AMRAP 5-10-15-20-25….. Wall Balls **Between each round complete 1 rd. 6 Deadlift (135,95) 3 Hang Power Cleans Special Strength 3×10( L+R=1) Step Ups Against micro band + Max Weight Abs/Core 8RM Barbell Overhead Sit Ups Finisher/Recovery 3 Rounds 25 banded good […]

  • 11.30.14 Box Brief

    RowVember Ends today 11.30.14 at 11:30am Make sure you post your final scores on the whiteboards 2014 Masters Madness Only a few spots remain open. Sign Up fast! Click Here

  • Sunday 11.30.14 Competitor WOD

  • Sunday 11.30.14 Barbell Club

    10:30am @ CFML A: High-Hang Snatch (5-7×3 AHAP) B: Snatch Push Press + OHS (5×1+3 AHAP) C: Clean Pull Complex (5×1 80%-120%) 2 Clean Pull + 4 RDL + 2 Clean Deadlift  

  • Saturday 11.29.14 Competitor WOD

    Strength Cluster (1RM) “EOD 130 Memorial WOD” Partner Up! 65 Front Squats (135,95) 65 KB Swings (70,55) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 Hang Power Cleans (135,95) 65 KB Push Press (70,55) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 C2B 65 Box Jumps (30,24) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 Push-ups 65 Barbell Rows (135,95) 16 Lateral […]

  • 11.28.14 Box Brief

    Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule • Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting) • Saturday 11.29.14 – Regular Schedule Resumes 2014 Holiday Amazing Race Still want in? Email for tickets being resold 2014 Masters Madness 15 tickets remain available CLICK HERE to sign up

  • Friday 11.28.14 Competitor WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Sumo Deadlift (6RM) WOD “Katie “ In 20min: 5×7 Bear Complexes for max weight Then, at the 20min mark Sprint 800m and complete 1×7 bear complexes at max weight **Score = max weight (log time of completion in comments) **1 Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + […]

  • Box Brief 11.27.14

    Radnor Memorial Park WOD Snowed Out! Thanksgiving Day WODs – Park WOD snowed out. ​WODs will be held at the Box 8:30am and 9:30am (no babysitting) **Bring a canned food for the local food bank as your buy in! • Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting) • Saturday 11.29.14 – Regular Schedule Resumes

  • Box Brief 11.26.14

    Wednesday 11.26.14 Due to the Holiday and forecasted snow, the 6:30 pm and 7:30pm WODs will be cancelled at CFML and CFR5 Thursday 11.26.14 Watch the blog and FaceBook page for updates on Thursday morning at Radnor Memorial Park WOD at 9am and flag football game at 10am.   If cancelled due to snow the […]