Category: Uncategorized

  • SUNDAY 11.23.14 Competitor WOD

  • Box Brief 11.22.14

    2014 Holiday Amazing Race Registration Closed to all non- CrossFit Main Line and R5 Athletes Are you a CFML or R5 Athlete and miss the registration period? Email to get a private link to sign up. 2014 Masters Madness 27 openings remain, sign up fast CLICK HERE Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule • Thursday 11.27.14 –  9am WOD, […]

  • Saturday 11.22.14 Crossfit Kids

    Warm Up! DESERT ISLAND OBSTACLE!travel to the desert island by hopping 5 Squat to med ball 4 Vertical leaps 3 jumping pull ups 2 Forward/Log Rolls 1 Burpee Skill Review: The Squat family! Squat Front Squat Back Squat Overhead Squat Game WOD THE MOVEMENTS SCAVENGER HUNT!!! Read the clues, figure out the movement Perform each […]

  • Saturday 11.22.14 Competitor WOD

    Strength Snatch Balance (1RM) WOD “The Royal Tenenbaums” Partner Up! Teams of 3: 100 Sumo Deadlifts (115,75) 80 Hang Power Cleans (115,75) 60 Front Squats (115,75) 40 Push Jerks (115,75) 20 Thrusters (115,75) **One athlete works at a time. Every minute on the minute, stop where you are and all three athletes complete 5 burpees **Score […]

  • 2014 Holiday Amazing Race

    Download, print and fill out the Competition Liability Waiver Online Ticketing for 2014 Holiday Amazing Race powered by Eventbrite

  • 2014 Masters Madness

    Download, print and fill out the Competition Liability Waiver Event management for 2014 Masters Madness powered by Eventbrite

  • Box Brief 11.21.14

    RowVember 2014 Leader Board Leaderboard as of 11.19.14 Participating in RowVember? Don’t forget to do some extra mobility. 2014 Holiday Amazing Race Registration closes Friday 11.21.14 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Masters Madness 2014 27 slots remain open CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

  • Friday 11.21.14 Competitor WOD

     Max Effort Lower Strength RDL (Romanian Deadlift) (5RM) WOD “Beast of Burden” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (225,185) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Ring Dips Special Strength 3×8 GHD Glute Ham Raise Special Strength 3×15 Reverse Hyper **Go Heavy Abs/Core 4×20 DB/KB Side Bends Finisher/Recovery 75 banded good mornings Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule • Thursday 11.27.14 –  9m WOD, 10am Flag Football at Radnor Memorial […]

  • Box Brief 11.20.14

    Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.27.14 –  9am WOD, 10am Flag Football at Radnor Memorial Park Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting) Saturday 11.29.14 – Regular Schedule Resumes   Masters Madness 2014 Almost Sold Out! Sign up fast, 27 spots remaining CLICK HERE 2014 Holiday Amazing Race Registration closes Friday 11.21.14 CLICK HERE […]

  • THURSDAY 11.20.14 ON-RAMP CLASS 5 OF 6 @ CFR5

    On-Ramp Class #5 Skill Review Kipping Pull Ups KB Swings Wall Balls New Skill Thrusters Overhead Squats Walking Lunges Butterfly Sit Ups W.O.D. 21-15-9 -Walking Lunges (L+R=2) -Butterfly Sit Ups -Thrusters Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule • Thursday 11.27.14 –  9am WOD, 10am Flag Football at Radnor Memorial Park • Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting) […]