Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 11.1.18 & Monday 11.5.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up 5 AMRAP 7-9 explain and do 20 high knees :20 plank hold 20 butt kicks :20 wall sits 20 jumping jacks :20 squat hold Skill clean and jerk 2×2 10×1 Metcon Cardi-oh no… 22 min time cap 500 m row 50 jump rope 50 lunges- left plus right equals 2 400 m row 40 […]

  • Thursday 11.1.18 & Friday 11.2.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Coach choice Lift Barbell clean and Jerk Metcon 10 AMRAP 100 meter farmers carry- 15 lb kb 10 PVC cleans 100m 15 lb waiter carry 10 PVC jerks

  • Tuesday 10.30.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 8 AMRAP- with a PVC- coach will lead and count through the first round 5 deadlift 5 cleans 5 front squats 5 push press 5 back squat 100 m run Conditioning Jump for distance Lift Introduce Sumo deadlift High Pull Metcon 8 AMRAP 8 SDHP- 15# 8 box jumps 8 squats

  • Monday 10.29.18 & Tuesday 10.30.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up 8 AMRAP- with a PVC- coach will lead and count through the first round 5 deadlift 5 cleans 5 front squats 5 push press 5 back squat 100 m run Skill Introduce SDHP Push butt back and deadlift to hips 3x When KB gets to hips, yank as fast as you can, squeezing glutes […]

  • Thursday 10.25.18 & Friday 10.26.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Coach choice Conditioning 12 AMRAP- at full speed. Rest only during the transition 10 Jumping jacks (at Ardmore- by brick wall) Bear crawl to boxes (at Wayne about 20 feet) 10 box jumps 10 squats on top of boxes 10 mountain climbers 100 m run Lift Press family strict press push press push jerk

  • Wednesday 10.24.18 XFit Mini’s

    Warm-up Freeze exercise! Coach calls out a move and everyone does- when the music stops, everyone freezes in whatever position they are in! Have fun and see what goofy positions you can get people in! Skill Box jump for height Conditioning free time at end of class… Lift DB Snatch Practice- 7 x 2- (2 on […]

  • Wednesday 10.24.18 & Thursday 10.25.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up coach choice- leg heavy Lift Deadlift 1 rep heavy Metcon Go in waves- 3-4 athletes in :30 intervals 12 AMRAP- at full speed. Rest only during the transition 10 burpees (at Ardmore- by brick wall) Bear crawl to boxes (at Wayne about 20 feet) 10 box jumps 10 squats on top of boxes 10 […]

  • Tuesday 10.23.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Freeze exercise! Coach calls out a move and everyone does- when the music stops, everyone freezes in whatever position they are in! Have fun and see what goofy positions you can get people in! Conditioning Box jump for height Lift DB snatch 3x- deadlift- DB from floor to hip 3x- high pull- zip the […]

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 10.22.18 – 10.28.18

  • Monday 10.22.18 & Tuesday 10.23.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up Coach led 400 m run, stop every few hundred meters and perform 10 reps of a body weight no equipment move Skill Box jump for height Lift Snatch 7×2 Metcon 5 rounds 5 barbell snatch- empty or very light 10 box jumps 1 rope climb