Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 9.24.18 & Tuesday 9.25.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up Partner up! Partner A- runs 100 m, Partner b holds a squat . Each partner should do 5 rounds. Skill Push up review Lift Clean and Jerk for form and quality Metcon 15 AMRAP- Partner up and split reps evenly. One works while one rests. 10 pull ups 20 push ups 30 box jumps

  • Monday 9.24.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Warm-up Accumulate: 100 Banded Tricep Push-Downs *Every Time You Break Do 15 Empty BB Curls Metcon 7 Rounds 40s ON / 20s OFF Max Alternating DB Snatch Max Burpees To Pull Up Bar Max Cal Bike […]

  • Sunday 9.23.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon Every 6:00 for 5 Rounds 60 Dubs/Singles 30 Lunges w/ Plate (L+R=2) 15 Plate Sit UpsScore = slowest split

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 9/24 – 9/30

  • Saturday 9.22.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon For time with a partner: Run 1 Mile 30 DB Clean & Jerks 4 Rope Climbs Run 1 Mile 30 DB Power Snatches 4 Rope Climbs Run 1 Mile 21-15-9 Double DB Deadlifts Handstand Push […]

  • Friday 9.21.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon 5 Rounds 1min Side Plank (30s ea side) 10 Deadlifts 10 Hang Power Cleans 20 Thrusters 25min time cap *Empty Barbell (45,35) Finisher 4min Tabata 20s ON / 10s OFF Russian Twists – immediatley into […]

  • Thursday 9.20.18 Preteens & Teens

    Warm-up Tabata time- 20 sec on, 10 sec rest- entire minute is the movement 0-1 jumping jacks 1-2 high knees 2-3 butt kicks 3-4 snake ups 4-5 lunges 5-6 burpees Lift Clean 6×4 Front squat 6×4 Metcon 10 EMOM 5 cleans 5 front squats

  • Thursday 9.20.18 & Friday 9.21.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Tabata time- 20 sec on, 10 sec rest- entire minute is the movement 0-1 jumping jacks 1-2 high knees 2-3 butt kicks 3-4 snake ups 4-5 lunges 5-6 burpees Conditioning Mat mountain Lift clean and front squat Metcon Plank tug of war Pick a partner Hold a plank in front of partner High five […]

  • Thursday 9.20.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon “300” 10 Rounds for Time 5 Jumping C2B 10 “X” DB Movement 15 Sit-Ups Round 1 – Dumbbell Push Press Round 2 – Dumbbell Burpees Round 3 – Dumbbell Power Cleans Round 4 – Dumbbell […]

  • Wednesday 9.19.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Endurance ONLY Bring a Friend Week Registration Open for the Main Line Meltdown 21 Day Challenge. Metcon “Dirty Thirties” 3 Rounds 30 Jumping PUll Ups 30 Calorie Bike 30 Plank Up-Downs 30 Calorie Row *35min time cap Finisher Teams Of 2 AMRAP 7: Max Hollow Rocks 1 works, 1 rest