Category: Uncategorized

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 8.27.18 – 9.2.18

  • Sunday 8.26.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach led 800 meter run. Stop every few meters and complete body weight movements Metcon A.) Every 2:00 x 10:00 (5 sets): 6 DB Bench Press (increasing weight each set) 12 DB Bent over Row (6/arm, increasing weight) B.) AMRAP 7: 7 Double KB Deadlifts (53/35#) 7 Push ups *REST 2min AMRAP 7: 7 […]

  • Saturday 8.25.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch Mini workout 200 m run 5 light KB swings- you will go eavier for WOD 5 light DB thrusters-You will heaver for the wod 5 burpees x2 200 m run Metcon For Time:(30:00 CAP) 800m Run rest 1 minute, then 4 rounds 20 KB Swings 10 DB Thrusters […]

  • Friday 8.24.18 Endurance WOD

    Metcon 4 Rounds 1 min Frog Hop 100′ 1 min Max Cal Bike 1 min Max Ball Slams 1 min Max MB Sit Ups 1 min Max Cal Row 1 min Max DB Man Makers 1 min rest *Score total cals, Bike + Row Intent: Cardio moves are paired with heart rate reducing moves, as […]

  • Thursday 8.23.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 8 AMRAP 5 inchworms 10 calf raises 20 butt kicks 30 high knees 40 jumping jacks :60 plank hold- Metcon A.) EMOM x 10: :40s on :20s rest Odd: Alternating Double KB Front Rack Press Even: Double KB split Squats (20s L/:20s R) *Accumulate perfect reps for :40s each minute B.)On a 28:00 running […]

  • Wednesday 8.22.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Hamstring stretch Calf stretch Downward facing dog Shoulder stretch- hang from rig and scapula pull up Then- Tabata demo Coach will introduce moves, athletes will then complete in tabata form 0-1 min jump rope/dubs 1-2 min sit ups 2-3 minutes thruster- lighter weight than workout 3-4 min ring row/pull up Metcon 50 jump rope/dubs […]

  • Tuesday 8.21.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Hamstring stretch quad stretch 20 runners’ lunges 20 slow squats 20 light russsian swings Metcon 30 AMRAP ***when you finish going through once, go again until time is up! 400 m run 50 squats 25 kb swings- American 400 m run 40 squats 20 kb swings- American 400 m run 30 squats 15 kb […]

  • Monday 8.20.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Mini WOD 1 burpee 2 Goblet squats 3 russian twist- light weight 4 lunges 100 m row 6 shoulder taps x3 Coach will demo the move, athlete will do for the first round, Then, athletes will do the following 2 rounds on their own time Metcon 30 AMRAP 10 burpees 20 goblet squats 30 […]

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 8.20.18 – 8.26.18

  • Sunday 8.19.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach choice! Metcon Every 3:00 x 15:00 (5 sets): 12 Hollow Rocks 6 L-seated Strict DB Press 12 Tuck-ups 6 Ring Rows AMRAP 10: 10 KB High Pulls 10 KB Push Press (left arm) 10 KB Push Press (right arm) *REST 2:00 AMRAP 10: 30 Double Unders 20 KB Front Squats(10/arm) 1 Rope Climb […]