Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 8.9.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 5 EMOM 20 high knees 20 butt kicks 20 squats :20 plank hold Metcon A.) EMOM x 10: Odd- :20s Barbell Strict Press + :20s Barbell OH Hold Even- :20s DB  Front Raise + :20s DB Front Raise Hold B.) 24 AMRAP : 12 DB cleans 12 DB push jerk 12 Box jumps 12 […]

  • Wednesday 8.8.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach led 400 m run! Stop every 100 meters to complete coahc choice of warm up moves Metcon nterval: 90:sec run 200 M 1:00 min Wall ball 1:00 Min Jump squats 1:00 min KB SDHP 1:00 Min Hand release Push ups 1:00 Min rest X 5 Rounds The run should be finished between :40-:60. […]

  • Tuesday 8.7.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach Choice! consider reviewing all the DB moves with lightest DB possible Metcon For Total Time: (35:00 CAP) 4 Rounds: 20 DB Renegade Rows 20 Box Dips *Rest 2:00 4 Rounds: 20 DB Floor Press 20 Russian Twist *Rest 2:00 4 Rounds: 10 DB Box Step-Ups 10 Ring Row *Challenging mixture of movements in […]

  • Monday 8.6.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up :30 at each move High knees Butt kicks Lunges Rest Hang from rig Plank Burpees Rest X 3 Metcon For Time: 21-15-9-9-15-21 Calorie Row/Assault Bike DB Thrusters Ball Slams *Rest 2:00 After The Round Of 21s *Rest 1:30 After The Round Of 15s *Rest 1:00 After The Round Of 9s *Choose a DB and […]

  • Sunday 8.5.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 3 rounds 30 jump ropes 10 squats with a pvc in front rack Metcon  5 Rounds For Time: (40min CAP) 20 KB Swings 15 Push Press 20 Jump Lunges (10/leg) 400m Run 250m Row *REST 2:00 Between Rounds *We want to see consistent efforts here from the athletes. Make sure they know we are […]

  • Saturday 8.4.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 8  minute tabata Super slow squats Plank holds Lateral hops Sit ups Tuck jumps Hollow rocks Push ups stink bugs Metcon  A.) For Time: (30:00 CAP) 100-80-60-40-20 Jump Rope 25-20-15-10-5 Burpees 25-20-15-10-5  Box Jump Overs ***you will do 100 jump rope, 25 burpees, 25 box jump overs, then 80 Jump rope, 20 burpees, 20 […]

  • Friday 8.3.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 4 rounds 5 inch worms 200 m run :20 hang from rig for shoulder stretch Metcon A.) Work on a 30min Clock. For Total reps: 800m run- 600m run-400m run-200m run: Right into (after each run): 10 Plate Snatches + 10 OH Lunges *FLOW- Accumulate distance running for 5:00, and immediately go into the […]

  • Thursday 8.2.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up hamstring stretch for :30 Quad stretch for :30 10 high knees 10 butt kicks 10 slow squats Partner up- partner A: sprint 200 m, while partner B holds a plank. Accumulate 1200 meters- so, 6 rounds each Metcon 8 AMRAP 15 Calorie row 12 DB Deadlifts – heavy 9 KB Swings- moderate rest 1 […]

  • August 2018 Athletes Of The Month

  • Wednesday 8.1.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 6 rounds- 3 rounds each partner Partner a rows 150 meters, while partner b holds a plank. Switch until each has completed all 750 meters EACH Metcon EMOM x 10: 10 cal row + 8 Burpees *REST 2:00 EMOM x 10: 100m run + 8 Box Jumps *Rest 2:00 EMOM x 10: 10 KB […]