Category: Uncategorized

  • August Programming Breakdown

  • Tuesday 7.31.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 10 EMOM Even- 10 jump lunges and 10 broad jumps Odd- 20 sec wall sit and 20 sec plank hold Metcon 25 AMRAP 10 toes to bar/knee raises 20 wall balls 30 back barbell lunge- 15 each leg 40 mountain climbers 30 barbell press 20 bicep curls- 10 each arm 10 v-ups

  • Monday 7.30.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 5 inchworms 10 frankenstein 10 scales 10 squats 10 lunges 10 jumping jacks 100 meter sprint x2 Metcon 15-14-13-12-11 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees Front squat- barbell 25-45 lb Sit ups Sprint 200 m after each round 35 min time cap This one is hard! very challenging and will be a pure mental grind strategize where to […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 7.30.18 – 8.5.18

  • Sunday 7.29.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 5 amrap 10 high knees 20 butt kicks 10 lunges 20 squats 10 side lunges 20 squat jumps Metcon The Woman Maker ***like a manmaker, but way harder In 90 seconds, run 200 meters, then 1 minute : DB burpees 1 minute : DB plank rows 1 minute: DB cleans 1  minute: DB push […]

  • Saturday 7.28.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach lead stretch: hamstring quad 10 squats 10 jumping jacks 20 high knees 20 butt kicks, THEN demo moves and do 3 moves at each station- but rope climb! Metcon 26 AMRAP 1 rope climb 2 tire flips 3 toes to bar/knee raises 4 burpees 5 box jumps 6 goblet squats 7 KB swings […]

  • Friday 7.27.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up “Thunderstruck” Every time the song says thunder: 1 burpee Metcon 21-15-9-6-3 Calories on the rower Barbell thruster med ball cleans box jumps med ball sit ups ***  25 minute time cap Set the gym up in stations of equipment. The intention of this is pure endurance- the athlete must find a moderate pace and […]

  • Thursday 7.26.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up :30 downward dog :30 sec childs pose :30 sec plank hold :30 high knees :30 butt kicks :30 squat hold in bottom Metcon 6 Rounds: (32:00) 10 Double KB Front Rack Box Step-ups (5/Leg) 15 Calorie Row 20 KB side bends (10 each side) *Rest 2:00 Between Rounds Intent: Today’s workout has the intent […]

  • Wednesday 7.25.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach led 400 meter run…. Metcon Barbell Hell!! 10 deadlift- moderate weight- go unbroken 20 mountain climbers 10 front squat- moderate weight- go unbroken 20 jump squats 10 push press- moderate weight, go unbroken 20 jump rope Intent: Legs and lung burner for today. The barbell movements are intended to be unbroken, so focus […]

  • Tuesday 7.24.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 5 amrap 10 high knees 20 butt kicks 10 lunges 20 squats 10 side lunges 20 squat jumps Metcon “Choose your Poison” 50-40-30-20-10 burpees air squats sit ups OR 15 rounds of 10 burpees 10 air squats 10 sit ups ****30 minute time cap Intent: Just simply keep your body moving today. The short […]