Category: Uncategorized

  • Saturday 7.14.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Plank VS. run Partner up 5 rounds each partner Partner A_ 100 meter run, Partner B_ hold a plank Metcon 12 AMRAP 12 Bench press 12 Ring Rows 24 Jump Rope rest 2 minutes 12 AMRAP 12 Barbell front squat 2 Wall walks 12 Box Jumps rest 2 minutes 6 AMRAP 10 bird dogs […]

  • Friday 7.13.18 XFit Kids

    Warm-up :40 high knees :20 rest :40 butt kicks / :20 rest :40 squat jumps / :20 rest :40 jumping jacks / :20 rest X2 Skill Med ball cleans- deadlift, shrug, squat, flip wrists, stand 5×10 Med ball front squats- ball in front of face 5×10 Med ball push press- dip, stand, toss, catch 5×10 […]

  • Friday 7.13.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up :30 at each high knees butt kicks lunges rest hang from rig plank hold burpess rest Metcon 2-4-6-8-10-12-14….Infinity!! 28 AMRAP KB swings KB goblet squat KB push press KB heavy deadlift ***every 4 minutes complete 4 burpees ***start with 4 burpees Intent: Faster paced workout today for the primary conditioning. Some leg heavy and […]

  • Thursday 7.12.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 20 frankenstein 10 plank thrust 20 scales 10 jumping lunges 20 weightless good mornings 10 squat jumps Metcon 26 AMRAP 10 Toes to Bar/knee raises 10 DB clean and Jerk 10 calorieRow 10 V ups 20 hammer curls 20 tricep extension 20 mountain climbers Intent: Longer grind today with some built in Rest. A […]

  • Wednesday 7.11.18 XFit Kids

    Warm-up Coach Choice Skill Rope climbs or pull ups Conditioning Burpee+jumping squat+jumping lunges x5 Broad jump+2 jump backwards+2 tuck jumps x5 5 complexes each round for 5 rounds Rest 1 minute between each round Strength Bent over row 5×5 Tricep extension 5×10- 10 each arm Bench fly- 5×5 Metcon 20 emom Odds- 7/10 calorie row […]

  • Wednesday 7.11.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 10 inch worms 10 side lunges 10 frankensteins 10 scales 10 squats Metcon In 90 seconds Run 200 m, then 1 minute ball slams 1 minute wall balls 1 minute ring rows 1 minute dips 1 minute jump rope 1 minute rest x 4 Intent: Legs and upper body blast here broken up into […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 7.9.18 – 7.15.18

  • Tuesday 7.10.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up 30 second downward dog 20 second runners lunge, each leg 20 second cossack stretch- each leg then 400 meter jog Metcon 500 m row 40 squats 30 sit ups 20 push ups 10 pull ups 20 push ups 30 sit ups 40 squats 500 m row Rest 2 min when you finish, then 15 […]

  • Monday 7.9.18 XFit Kids

    Warm-up 10 EMOM Even- 10 jump lunges and 10 broad jumps Odd- 20 sec wall sit and 20 sec plank hold Skill Handstand work stinkbugs box handstands wall walks handstand holds strict HSPU kipping HSPU Strength Bicep curl 5×10- 10 on each arm Bench press 5×5 Push press 5×5 Heavier than previous week Metcon 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 […]

  • Monday 7.9.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up tabata Time 0-1 high knees 1-2 butt kicks 2-3 juming jacks 3-4 lunges 4-5 squats 5-6 plank holds 6-7 wall sits Metcon in  5:00 complete 10 DB thruster 5 burpee broad jumps 10 DB plank rows- L+R=2 10 calorie row 10 DB lunges- L+R=2 100 m sprint x5 retstart at the 5 minute intervals […]