Category: Uncategorized

  • Sunday 7.8.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up Coach choice Metcon 5 Rounds For Time: 400m Run 20 Ball Slams 15 DB Floor Press 15 Barbell Bent Over Rows (Supine Grip) *Rest 1:00 in between Rounds Intent: A shorter conditioning piece today, but your intensity should be high. This will be a good test to see where your lungs are at and […]

  • Saturday 7.7.18 Endurance WOD

    Warm-up First row will act as warm up Metcon 5 Rounds: 300m Row 20 Russian KB Swings 150m Row 15 Box Jumps 50m Row 10 Push Press 5 Rounds: 30 Sec plank 10 Sec Rest 30 Sec Side Plank Left 10 Sec Rest 30 Sec Side Plank Right 10 Sec Rest Intent: Today’s workout splits […]

  • Friday 7.6.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up 10 inchworms 20 lunges 30 squats 40 sec wall sit 50 mountain climbers 60 jumping jacks 50 mountain climbers 40 sec wall sit 30 squats 20 lunges 10 inchworms Skill Rope climbs Practice the j hook Practice getting the first grip on the rope Strength […]

  • Friday 7.6.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Week of July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here   Warm-up 2 rds :30 jumping jacks :30 mountain climbers :30 sec squats Metcon 4  Rounds Tabata Style! 1 min bench press 1 min Jump Rope 1 min barbell push press 1 min Box Jump 1 min barbell front squat*Rest 2:00 AMRAP 10: 10 Pull […]

  • Thursday 7.5.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Week of July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here   Warm-up The opening row, will act as a quick warm up Metcon For Time: (30:00 CAP) 10-20-30-40 Row for Calories Push-Ups Wall Ball DB Deadlift *Rest 2:00AMRAP 10: 1:00 Side Plank (30s L/30s R) 10 V ups 20 Russian Twist (10 each Side) 30 […]

  • Wednesday 7.4.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Week of July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here   Warm-up 10 inchworms 10 squats 100 m jog Metcon 4th of July! Happy 242nd BDAY, USA!!1776 AMRAP! 24 box jumps 2 burpees 24 jumping pull ups 2 burpees 24 KB swing 2 burpees 24 walking lunges 2 burpees 24 knee to elbows 2 burpees […]

  • July 2018 Programming Breakdown

  • Tuesday 7.3.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up 4 EMOM 4 squats 4 plank thrusts 4 lunges 10 sec plank Metcon AMRAP 10: 20 Alternating DB Snatch 200m Run *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 10: 20 Single Arm DB Push Press (10L/10R) 200m Run *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 10: 20 DB Goblet Walking Lunges (10/Leg) 200m […]

  • Monday 7.2.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up 5 rounds (total of 1000 meters) Partner a rows 150 meters, while partner b holds a plank. Switch until each has completed all 750 meters EACH Skill Pull up work Tabata- supermans and hollow rocks 2 minutes at each move Scapula pull ups 5×3 Ring […]

  • Monday 7.2.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up Quick stretch, then “roxanne” 1 burpee for every Roxanne! Metcon 5 Rounds: (40:00 CAP) 3:1 Min Intervals 30 Air Squats 20 Ring Rows 15 Box Jumps Overs 10 Push Ups 5 Burpees *Max Distance Farmers Carry In Time Left (KB Each Hand) Intent: Fast interval […]