Category: Uncategorized

  • Sunday 7.1.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Metcon 1.) 5 Rounds: (30:00 CAP) 3:1 Min Interval 400m Run 20 KB SDLHP 10 Jump Lunge 2) 3 Min MAX CAL ROW 3) Accumulate: 100 Banded Tricep Push-Downs 50 DB Bench Press Intent: Today’s workout splits the challenge between the aerobic capacity of Rowing/running and […]

  • July ’18 Athletes of the month

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 7.2.18 – 7.8.18

  • Saturday 6.30.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Metcon AMRAP 10: 50 Jump Rope 10 DB thruster 200m Row/run *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 3: MAX DB Man Makers *Rest 1:00 x 2 Intent: a pure toning and muscle building workout! focus with barbells should always be tight tummy and flat back. Intent should be unbroken […]

  • Friday 6.29.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: July 4th Class Schedule 8:30am Endurance 9:30am CF No Babysitting Warm-up Quick stretch- 5 inchworms, 10 scales, 10 frankensteins 5 rounds- 1 minute rest between each round 10 squats -sprint 50 m – 10 squats 10 high knees -sprint 50 m- 10 high knees 10 jumping jacks- sprint 50 m- 10 jumping jacks […]

  • Friday 6.29.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up 10 inchworms 10 squats 10 snake ups **the first set of burpees will complete warm up Metcon 20 AMRAP 10 Burpees 10  banded ring dips 10 Gob Squats Rest 3 minutes 10 AMRAP 50 Russian Twists (25/Side) 50 Mountain Climbers (25/Side) 25 Hollow Rocks 50 […]

  • Thursday 6.28.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: July 4th Holiday Hours Click Here Warm-up Quick stretch Then: coach led 400 m run Metcon 4 Rounds: (30:00 CAP) 400m fast paced run 20 Balls Slams 40 Air Squats 20 barbell bent over row *Rest :90 sec Between Rounds Intent: Longer grind today with some built in Rest. A great goal […]

  • July 4th Holiday Hours

  • Wednesday 6.27.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: Wayne Rowing Skill Clinic 8:30pm-9:15pm Warm-up Relay Races Conditioning 30 plate pass partner circles 30 get ups Strength DB Reverse fly- Bent over barbell row- Tricep pull downs – DB seated press Metcon 5 Min AMRAP 10 thrusters 10 box jumps 1 MIN REST 5 Min AMRAP 10 push ups 10 pull ups […]

  • Wednesday 6.27.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Rowing Skill Clinic 8:30pm-9:15pm Warm-up 4 min tabata 0-1 high knees 1-2 butt kicks 2-3 plank thrusts 3-4 jumping squats Metcon 9 AMRAP 9 DB front squats 9 Push-ups 9 DB Push press *Rest 1:00 9 AMRAP : 9 Box Jumps 9 Box Dips 9 hammer curls *Rest 1:00 9 AMRAP : […]