Category: Uncategorized

  • [CFML Summer Solstice]

  • Tuesday 6.26.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Wayne Rowing Skill Clinic 8:30pm-9:15pm Warm-up Everyone grab a KB of their choice and we will do: “Bring Sally Up” Sit when “Sally” goes down Stand when Sally goes up! Metcon 4 rounds 200m Run in 90sec 1 min KB Goblet Walking Lunges 1 min KB Swings 1min Ring Row 1min Plank Up-Down […]

  • July 2018 Newsletter

  • Monday 6.25.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: Sign up on Wodify: Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm Warm-up Row tabata Conditioning Plate Cross Strength Back squat OH Press Deadlift Metcon 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB DL KB Swing KB Goblet squat Calories on rower  

  • Monday 6.25.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Sign up on Wodify: Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm Metcon Every 5:00 x 30:00 (6 Sets): 15 Wall Balls 15 Calorie Row 15 Burpees Over The Rower 15 Calorie Row 15 Wall Ball Intent: This style interval always presents a tough challenge. You’ll need to find the balance between […]

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 6.25.18 – 7.1.18

  • Sunday 6.24.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend Wayne Quarterly Scans and Baseline Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm-Sign up on Wodify Metcon 4 Rounds: (30:00) 100 Mountain Climbers (1L+1R=1) 20 Calorie Row 20 KB SDLHP 20 Jump Squats 1:00 Wall Sit *Rest 2:00 Between Rounds *Rest As Needed For 5 Minutes: Accumulate […]

  • Saturday 6.23.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend Wayne Quarterly Scans and Baseline Rowing Skill Clinic 6/26 Wayne & 6/27 Ardmore 8:30pm-915pm-Sign up on Wodify Metcon 7 Rounds: (20:00) 200 m run 16 DB  Snatch (8L/8R) 12 Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunges (6/Leg) *Rest 3:00 For Time: 400m Farmers Carry (KB Each Hand) *Every Drop […]

  • Friday 6.22.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: Bowling Night  at  Devon Lanes &  Wynnewood Lanes 6pm-8pm 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline Warm-up Plate hop tabata Conditioning 10 AMRAP Up ladder- up by 2 reps each round Mountain climbers-russian twist-box jumps-sit ups Strength bench press bicep curl tricep extension Metcon 5 rounds […]

  • Friday 6.22.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Bowling Night  at  Devon Lanes &  Wynnewood Lanes 6pm-8pm 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline Metcon AMRAP 25: 10 Back rack lunges-barbell 10 box overs 10 bent over row- barbell 10 lateral hops over barbell 10 front squats-barbell 10 burpees over barbell *Rest As Needed […]