Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 6.20.18 XFit Kids

    Box Brief: Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Starts 6/21 SUMMER SOLSTICE 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline Warm-up 5 inchworms 10 frankenstein 10 scales 10 squats 10 lunges 10 jumping jacks Conditioning Row Vs. Burpees Strength Back squat OH Press Deadliift Metcon 15 AMRAP 1 rope climb […]

  • Tuesday 6.19.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline Metcon AMRAP 12: 12 burpees 12 DB Deadlifts 12 DB Hang Power Cleans 12 DB Push-Ups *1 DB Each Hand *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 10: 10 Box Jumps 10 Box Dips 10 Sit-Ups […]

  • Monday 6.18.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning 6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline Metcon In 8 minutes, complete 40 Russian KB Swings 400m Row 40 Wall Balls with remaining time- row for calories complete for 3 rounds 5 rounds 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Supermans 15 […]

  • Weekly Programing Breakdown 6.18.18 – 6.24.18

  • Sunday 6.17.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Father’s Day WOD All Class Times Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon In 90 seconds: 200m run, then, 1 minute of: Air Squats 1 minute of: Ring Rows 1 minute of: Walking Lunges 1 minute of: Curl to Press 1 minute: tricep extensions 1 minute: rest x5 SCORE- reps Intent: The […]

  • Saturday 6.16.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Sign up for “Us” for “You” Kids Challenge and Toy Drive Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon Amrap 35 or 400 m run 10 Push Ups 20 DB Box Step-ups (DB Each Hand,10/Leg) 10 Box Dips 5 DB Man Makers *Rest 2:00 Between Rounds DB Man Maker: Push Up + Row […]

  • Friday 6.15.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Sign up for “Us” for “You” Kids Challenge and Toy Drive Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon AMRAP 20: 12 Calorie Row 20 KB Goblet Walking Lunges (10/Leg) 12 KB SDLHP 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 20: 12 Calorie Row 20 Lateral Hops Over Rower (15/Side) 12 burpees […]

  • Thursday 6.14.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Sign up for “Us” for “You” Kids Challenge and Toy Drive Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon 30 AMRAP 40 Jump rope 10 DB shoulder press 10 DB front squat 10 weighted side bends 40 mountain climbers (L+R=2) 10 barbell bent over row 10 empty barbell curls 10 v-ups Intent: Designed […]

  • Wednesday 6.13.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon AMRAP 20: 200 m run 15 KB deadlift -heavy 15 goblet lunges-light 100 m KB farmers carry 15 DB bicep curl 15 DB bent over row 100 m DB front rack carry rets 2 min 10 AMRAP 10 tuck crunches 10 […]

  • Tuesday 6.12.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Register for “Us” for “You” (Kid Challenge) and Toy Drive Metcon AMRAP 11: 11 burpee 11 wall balls 11 box jumps *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 11: 11 Ball Slams 11 Sit-Ups w/Ball at chest 11 MB Goblet Squats *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 11: 11 burpees 11 Ball Slams 11 Box Jumps […]