Category: Uncategorized

  • Monday 6.11.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Metcon Complete For Total Time 10 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Alternating DB Snatch (5/Arm)*Rest 2:00 5 Rounds: 200 m row 20 Single Arm DB Push Press (10L+10R) *Rest 2:00 For Time: 100 Hollow Rocks 35min total time cap Intent: Long grinder to […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 6.11.18 – 6.17.18

  • Sunday 6.10.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Register for “Us” for “You” (Kid Challenge) and Toy Drive Metcon AMRAP 10: Up Ladder x 2s (2.2/4,4/6,6…etc.) Plank thrusts Medicine Ball Squat Cleans wall balls *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 10: Up Ladder x 2s (2,2/4,4/6,6…etc.) Sit-Ups Two Count Mountain Climbers (1L + 1R=1) DB Tricep Extension (1DB) Db shoulder […]

  • Saturday 6.9.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon Complete For Total Time (35:00) 30-20-10: Seated Shoulder DB Press Box Dips Calorie Row *200 meter run after each set *Rest 3:00 30-20-10: ring rows knee raises 200 m run after each round *Rest 2:00 30-20-10: goblet squats sit ups *200m Run After Each Round Intent: Today’s workout […]

  • Friday 6.8.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon 9 AMRAP 9 jumping squats 9 push press (empty barbell) 9 bent over row 9 bench press (empty barbell) rest 1 minute 9 AMRAP 9 jumping lunges 9 front squat (empty barbell) 9 left lateral box step ups 9 right lateral box step ups X2 Intent: a pure […]

  • Summer Solstice 2018

  • Thursday 6.7.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 15: 10 broad jumps 20 Alternating DB Snatch (10/Arm) 10 V-Ups 10 Push Ups *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 15: 10 tuck jumps 200ft KB Farmers Cary 10 Plank Up-Downs 10 DB Shoulder Press Intent: Good mixture today of conditioning with core work. The first workout should challenge you […]

  • Wednesday 6.6.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon 25 AMRAP 1 minute Row for Calories 20 Sit-Ups 20 Ball Slams 10 burpees Score- total calories accumulated rest 1 minute 3 Rounds 15s Max Lateral Raise 15s Hercules Hold 15s Frontal Raise 15s Frontal Raise Hold 30 second rest 15s  Plank 15s Left Side Plank 15s  Plank […]

  • Tuesday 6.5.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Build an AMRAP Conditioning Ball Mover!! Metcon 6 EMOM Even minutes= 20 wall balls Odd Minutes=20 sit ups

  • Tuesday 6.5.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon 5 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20 Box Jumps 20 Plate Sit-Up Intent: CrossFit style benchmark workout, these are always a treat! Pace out the runs to allow yourself a manageable rep scheme on Wall Balls. Push for two sets every round and smooth Box Jumps.